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And up jumps 'Bije Simmons, and calls for three cheers for the new president. "Nobody jined in them cheers but the old billiard room gang; they did, though, every one of 'em, and Jotham smiled fatherly down on his flock. "I s'pose there ain't no need of explainin'. Jotham had worked it all, from the very fust.

"You're twistin' my words, Jake," the father went on, an anxious desire to propitiate frowning out of the wrinkled face. "I ain't sayin' a word against you. I'm explainin' howcome I to feel like I do. Since I bumped into that accident in the Park " Houck's ill-natured laugh cut the sentence. It was a jangled dissonance without mirth. "What accident?" he jeered. "Why when I got into the trouble "

First I knew, I saw 'em grouped along the side where the companionway stairs was swung Auntie, Old Hickory, and Captain Killam. Rupert seems to be explainin' something. Then in a minute or two the men begin easin' Auntie down into one of the launches tied to the boat boom, and the next I see them go chuggin' off into the moonlight. I hunts up Vee and passes her the word.

"He's only a day or two prema-chure, honey. It wasn't hardly worth while explainin'," he claimed. "A day or two. Oh, Johnnie!" "Sure. I ain't gonna wait. Wha's the matter with to-morrow?" "I haven't any clothes made," she evaded, and added by way of diversion, "I always liked that kinda golden down on your cheeks." "The stores are full of 'em. An' we ain't talkin' about my whiskers not right now."

"I'm goin' to step outside of what used to be the door," said Scattergood, "and let Pansy do the explainin'.... What I do after that depends a heap on ... Pansy...." Scattergood went outside and waited, his eyes on the stairs, but nobody offered to ascend. He could hear the conversation within, but it was only toward the end that it interested him.

"Stillwell, do you advise that trip up into the mountains?" asked Madeline. "I reckon I do, considerin' everythin'. Now, Miss Majesty, I've used up a lot of time explainin'. You'll sure keep your nerve?" "Yes," Madeline replied, and was surprised at herself. "Better tell Florence. She'll be a power of comfort to you. I'm goin' now to fetch up the boys."

To tell how long it takes to cross th' Atlantic compute th' elapsed time fr'm boordin' house to boordin' house. It's fr'm a week to ten days depindin on th' time ye go to bed whin ye come home. Manny a man that come over on a five-day boat has had th' divvle iv a time explainin' to his wife what he did with th' other two days.

He'd be glad to get her if she had yellow jack aboard, an' if he's caught with her he'll have to do the explainin'. When you're caught with the goods in your possession, Mac, it makes the explainin' all the harder. Besides, we're three to one, an' if it comes to a show-down later we can outswear the mate."

Says the boss to him at last, 'The right time to do the explainin' is before the hoss race is over, and not after, says he. 'That's the only kind of science that goes hereafter on the Bar T, says he. "I reckon the boss was feelin' a little riled, because he had two hundred on Pinto hisself.

She was runnin' back an' forth an' explainin' as it was n't for want o' stirrin', for she stirred it herself, when Sam Duruy come runnin' an' seems there's always another hose tied up under the engine an' he unhooked that an' John Bunyan built a fire in the hole for fire while they fixed the new hose in the cistern, but oh my, the house was too far gone to be saved by that time.