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I won't be ashamed of it!" she told herself angrily, as she turned to search for her keys. But the evening-dresses! The next moment with a mingling of relief and irritation, she heard Mollie's unabashed reply "Oh, we have only black dresses! We will wear the net over-skirts, please!"

I seemed to be seated by the head of my great, insulted Motherland, who lay there in the dust before me, disconsolate, shorn of her glory. I cannot tell what a profound distress overpowered my heart. How incongruous seemed the mem-sahibs there, in their evening-dresses, the hum of English conversation, and the ripples of laughter!

The hall, which was brilliantly lighted, was one moving mass of black coats, with here and there a red one, and evening-dresses many colored the people in them, chatting, bowing, laughing, being ushered to their places.

Hats," two eager hands went up to her head "dresses" they waved descriptively in the air "coats; fripperies of all descriptions, delicious blouses for every occasion, and evening-dresses! oh, chiffon and lace and sequins, and everything that is fascinating!

Haddo took the girls to London and gave them a very good day. It is true they spent a time which seemed intolerably long to Betty in having pretty white blouses and smartly made skirts and neat little jackets fitted on. They spent a still more intolerable time at the dressmaker's in being measured for soft, pretty evening-dresses.

The voice which had asked the question was slow and languid, and breathed a wearied indifference to the world in general, which was more than equalled in the tone of the reply "Really, don't you know, I can't say! I put them away, meaning to use them for cloaks or evening-dresses; but I forget, or they get mislaid, or the maid confiscates them for her own purposes.

We have only those black evening-dresses which you saw last night, and girls can't always wear the same things, as a man does his dress suit." "I suppose not." "No they can't. So " "So?" Mollie's cheek flushed with a dawning impatience. "Uncle Bernard, don't you think you make it very hard for me? After all, it was your wish that we should stay, and we cannot put the pater to more expense.

That's a difficult question to answer. We shall need riding- habits, and summer things, and evening-dresses, and hosts of etceteras. I could make myself look respectable for twenty pounds; I could look smart for fifty; I could be a vision for a hundred!" cried Mollie, clasping her hands ecstatically, while once again a faint twinkle showed itself in Mr Farrell's eyes.

I passed a feverish night, employing the first part of it in quilting my diamonds into a belt which I placed about my waist; and the remainder in putting together as many useful, as well as a few handsome clothes, as my travelling-trunk would contain; bonnets, evening-dresses, which require room to dispose of, and the like vanities, I abandoned to Evelyn's tender mercies.

Elsie assisted her young friends to dress for the party generously offering to lend them any of her ornaments that they might fancy saw them come down, one after another, full of mirth and eager expectation, and looking so pretty and graceful in their beautiful evening-dresses, heard their expressions of commiseration toward herself, and watched the last carriage roll away without a sigh or regret that she was left behind.