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Her voice broke into short dry sobs. "He says our minister is doing things down to the Inn that ain't right. And, then, that Reverend Mr. Means was up again the other day, and told Mr. Fox something. Harry won't tell me what it was, but he keeps saying it's awful scandalous." "Well, Eadie, if I was you I'd quit spilling all that brine, for it ain't wuth it." "But, Josiah, it is worth it.

I cal'late Eadie Beaver would say the Lord took my strength away, but the Lord don't need to give that feller a hand. He's a hull host to himself." "He doesn't look in the least like one," declared Elizabeth. "He doesn't? Why, his arm is as big " "No, no! I mean he doesn't look like a minister." "He ain't like none I ever see.

Gensburg, Dr. Gotch, Archdeacon Harrison, Professor Leathes, Professor McGill, Canon Payne Smith, Professor J. J. S. Perowne, Professor Plumptre, Canon Pusey, Dr. W. A. Wright of Cambridge, the active and valuable secretary of the Company. Of these Dr. Pusey and Canon Cook declined the invitation. Those invited to join the New Testament Company were as follows: Dr. Angus, Dr. Eadie, Rev.

Kitto was one of the best Biblical scholars of his day. Like Dr. Eadie himself, he was possessed of an extraordinary memory, and highly cultivated lingual powers; and after he returned from the East he was frequently employed to do literary work for Mr. Charles Knight, for whom also Dr. Eadie contributed occasional papers.

"Give her the hull sack, dear," ordered the Captain. "I guess I think I really don't need the salt," stammered Mrs. Beaver. "Here, Eadie, don't go off mad. I didn't mean anything by what I said. I'd give half what I own this morning to a hobo if he'd ask for a crust of bread." "Thanks, Josiah. But I guess I got what I really come for. God bless you both!" With that she was gone.

When the men had divided the last flapjack, the minister announced that he was going for a stroll along the beach. He was no sooner out of sight than over came Mrs. Beaver, carrying a large tin filled with biscuits. Captain Pott took them to the pantry, and returned with the empty pan. "Thanks, Eadie. Mr. McGowan will sure appreciate them." "Oh, Josiah!

It is worth while noticing that no other copy of "Cruden" is used or recognised by the Tract Society, who have at different times issued it on their own account. In 1848 Dr. Eadie published his Biblical Cyclopædia, of which in 1868 twenty-four thousand copies had been sold, being upwards of one thousand every year.

We must not forget that while thus copiously contributing to ecclesiastical literature, Dr. Eadie gave unremitting attention to his pulpit duties. He never had a coadjutor or assistant, and he has occupied his own and other pulpits every Sunday since the date of his ordination. And even the long list we have enumerated does not complete Dr.

Eadie removed with them to Lansdowne U.P. Church, where he has gathered a large and aristocratic congregation. We believe that Dr. Eadie is the only U.P. minister in Glasgow who has been the first pastor of two new churches, the only parallel case within our knowledge being that of Dr. M'Ewen, who first founded a new church at Helensburgh, and afterwards in Claremont Street, Glasgow.

Eadie has approached his task with such a spirit of love, and with so genuine and well-founded an esteem of the man whose Boswell he aspired to be, that the biography will rank in some respects almost equal with that of Dr. Johnson. Some years later, Dr. Eadie published through the Messrs. Oliphant, of Edinburgh, a series of lectures on the Bible for the young, which met with a very large sale.