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"Dood Hope, Dood Hope," shrieked Jackson, with a horrid grin, mimicking the Dutchman, "dare is no dood hope for dem, old boy; dey are drowned and d .... d, as you and I will be, Red Max, one of dese dark nights." "No, no," said Blunt, "all sailors are saved; they have plenty of squalls here below, but fair weather aloft."

One of the other hired men came to my rescue and gave me a thorough rubbing with liniment, after which I was able to crawl down to breakfast. The old skinflint of a farmer then had the audacity to discharge me, saying that he "didn't want no dood from the city monkeyin' around in the way, nohow."

But you mustn't speak of that in Bourke. But there's another youngster coming, and I'll swear that'll be Bogan's all right. "A curious thing about Bogan is that he's begun to be fidgety about his personal appearance and you know he wasn't a dood. He wears a collar now, and polishes his boots; he wears elastic-sides, and polishes 'em himself the only thing is that he blackens over the elastic.

"You dood dat well, massa," said Quashy, who was the first to arrive, grinning all over; "and dat was a bu'ster," he added, surveying the gap in the bush through which Lawrence had crashed. "Please set me down before the others come up!" whispered Manuela, who, having, as we have said, half fainted, had allowed her head to fall on her rescuer's shoulder.

Goin' to decyrate the grounds with lanterns an' have ice cream sent from Phillydelphy, and cakes, too. Can't make out what's come into Blinky to let that gal of his waste money like that." "I figger," says Hiram after a sapient pause, "she must be gettin' it up for thet New York dood." "Duncan?" "Uh-huh." "I didn't know he was 'quainted with the Lockwoods."

Fenneben with wide serious eyes, he asked, "Is you dood to Vic?" "Yes, indeed," replied the Dean. "Nen, I like you fornever," Bug declared, shutting his lips so tightly that his checks puffed. "How do you happen to have this child here, Burleigh?" questioned Fenneben. "Because he's got nobody else to look after him," answered Vic. "How about an orphan asylum?"

Now, look here, bred'ren, just try wonst to be cibil, a helping yourselbs from dat whale. Don't be tearin' de blubber out your neighbour's mout, I say. Is not one shark dood right as toder to dat whale? And, by Gor, none on you has de right to dat whale; dat whale belong to some one else.

OBADIAH LAWSON and Watt Dood were neighbours; that is, they lived within a half mile of each other, and no person lived between their respective farms, which would have joined, had not a little strip of prairie land extended itself sufficiently to keep them separated.

I'll cover him up, and then go and set Meg's heart at rest," thought John, creeping to the bedside, hoping to find his rebellious heir asleep. But he wasn't, for the moment his father peeped at him, Demi's eyes opened, his little chin began to quiver, and he put up his arms, saying with a penitent hiccough, "Me's dood, now."

Tracey Tanner, to be sure, confessed within my hearing to a predilection for the Noo York dood, but was inclined to hedge and climb the fence when assailed by Roland's strictures. Roland, I suspect, was a wee mite jealous; he had been paying attention to I mean, going with Josie Lockwood for several months.