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The gate was six feet or more, and the jackaroo raised his hat and hastened to open it, but Mary reined her horse back a few yards and the "dood" had barely time to jump aside when there was a scuffle of hoofs on the road, a "Ha-ha-ha!" in mid-air, a landing thud, and the girl was away up the home-track in a cloud of dust.

"Do they?" "Yes." "Dod bless pop-a," she sighed, dreamily; "an' Dod bless me, too, an' an' keep me f'om bein' a dood little dirl. Ma'am? Yes, ma'am. Amen." She laid her head down, and in a moment was asleep. Husband and wife passed out together. The wounded arm, its pain unconfessed, was cared for, pious prayers were said, and the pair lay down to slumber. Far in the night the husband awoke.

"No, I won't," said Bub; "tos, if I'm dood, like you and mother, and say, 'Now I lay me' every night, when I die Dod will send a big angel down to take me up to heaven; won't he, Charlie?" "Yes," said Charlie.

"Der ball meant to strike me twice as far as dot." There was great anxiety on both sides as Bart Hodge walked out. "You can dood it, Hotch!" shouted Hans. Bart smashed the second ball pitched him, driving it out on a line. Little Bob Bubbs thrust out his left mitt, and the ball spanked into it. It stuck there. The game was over, and Sparkfair's team had defeated the Merries by a single run.

They all listened; and this was what they heard proceeding from within the wardrobe, a sob coming in as a sort of hyphen between each word of the little fellow's prayer. "Dod bess pa an' Conny an' Liz an' 'ittle Ciss an' Jupp, de porter man, an' Mary an' an' all de oders an' make me dood boy an' I'll neber do it again, amen!"

Flo was in the midst of one of her most pathetic appeals to Blackie to be "dood," when her mother entered hastily. "Come with me, darling, to visit poor old Mrs Donaldson. She is not very well, I hear." Flo required no second bidding, for she was extremely fond of the keeper's mother and love needs no persuasion. As we have said, Mrs Donaldson's little cottage stood behind that of her son Ivor.

Consequently there was irony in the baby-talk of her reply. "Me dood!" she said. "Me very dood, and listen carefully. Tell Lucia!" Georgie recounted the experiences. The table had rocked and tapped out names. The table had whirled round, though it was a very heavy table. Georgie had been told that he had two sisters, one of whom in Latin was a bear. "How did the table know that?" he asked.

Your father sold him this afternoon." "My nice Nepshun!" The child's lip quivered, but something in the suffering face above her made her say quickly, "Me'll be dood, Don, an' when oo turn back, me'll be waitin' at de gate." She patted his cheek confidingly. "Nice Don! Nan loves oo, dear, an' Desus. Nan loves Desus 'cause oo do, Don." John's voice choked. "Keep on loving, Nansie." "Yes, me will.

"It's dood!" from Dodo, sipping ecstatically from her special little mug, filled by Katie, and taking great scalloping bites out of her square cake, while Robin, planted directly before her, but as quiveringly as if on coiled springs, watched every bite, snapping his own jaws each time in acutest sympathy.

"And what did he do with her?" demanded Dood, his brow darkening. "What would thee have done with her, had she been my heifer in thy garden?" asked Obadiah. "I'd a shot her!" retorted Watt, madly, "as I suppose you have done; but we are only even now. Heifer for filly is only 'tit for tat." "Neighbour Dood, thou knowest me not, if thou thinkest I would harm a hair of thy heifer's back.