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Well, the length and breadth of my errand is this, Mardonius must fight soon, and must be victorious.” “That is for your brave ephors to say,” darted Democrates. “According to their valiant proposals they desire this war to imitate that with Troy,—to last ten years.” “Indeedbut I always held my people surpassed in procrastination, as yours in deceiving. However, their minds will change.”

None of the servants could fathom their master’s doings of late. He gave strappings when they asked questions, and Bias was away. The streets of Trœzene were utterly deserted when Democrates threaded them. There was no moon, neither he nor his companion were overcertain of the way.

I hoped to have you for ‘my royal brother’ when they gave me the like lordship of Lacedæmon. However, the matter does not end with your refusal.” “I have said, ‘Do your worst.’ ” “And my worst isAgis.” For an instant Lycon was dismayed. He thought he had slain his victim with one word. Democrates dropped from his clutch and upon the pavement as though stricken through the heart by an arrow.

He and Phormio will never wake to feel their throats cut. Then a good stone on each foot takes the corpses down in the harbour.” But Democrates dashed his hand in negation. “No, by the infernal gods, not so! No murder. I cannot bear the curse of the Furies. Seize him, carry him to the ends of the earth, to hardest slavery. Let him never cross my path again. But no bloodshed—”

Then you shall see,” announced the juror, with an oratorical flourish of his dirty himation, “and not you only but all of Athens.” Clearchus grinned. “Our dear Polus has a vast sense of his own importance. And who has been making you partner of the state secretsThemistocles?” “A man almost his peer, the noble patriot Democrates.

Democrates observed the beautiful mute emerge from an inner chamber and silently take station at his master’s side, following the papers also with wonderful, eager eyes. Only after a long interval the Prince spoke. “Wellyou bring what purports to be private memoranda of Themistocles on the equipment and arraying of the Athenian fleet. Yet these are only copies.”

Glaucon flushed. “Are you mad, Democrates, to violate my private correspondence thus?” “The weal of Athens outweighs even the pleasure of Glaucon,” returned the orator, harshly, “and you, Themistocles, note that Glaucon does not deny that the seal here is his own.” “I do not deny,” cried the angry athlete. “Open, Themistocles, and let this stupid comedy end.”

This is the saddest hour in my life.” He was silent, but Democrates sprang to the athlete’s side. “Have I not prayed each god to spare me this task?” he spoke. “Can I forget our friendship? Do not brave it to the end. Pity at least your friends, your wife—” He threw back his cloak, pointing to a sword. “Ai,” cried the accused, shrinking. “What would you have me do?”

I bless you. But was the sea more merciful than the executioner?” The fishmonger let his voice fall lower. “Democrates is unhappy. Something weighs on his mind. He is afraid.” “Of what?” “Bias his slave came to see me again last night. Many of his master’s doings have been strange to him. Many are riddles still, but one thing at last is plain.

Democrates immediately after this gave Hiram a small packet of papyrus sheets rolled very tight, with the ominous injunction toconceal carefully, weight it with lead, and fling it overboard if there is danger of capture.” At which Hiram bowed more elegantly than usual and answered, “Fear not; it shall be guarded as the priests guard the ark of Moloch, and when next your slave comes, it is to salute my Lord as the sovran of Athens.”