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Anxious to do anything that would stop him from being poisoned, the German boy clutched the dish and took a large spoonful of the jam. But as he gulped it, he gave a gasp, and the tears started down his cheeks. "Du meine zeit!" he bawled. "I vos purnt up alife by mine mouth alretty! Dake it avay kvick!" And jumping up from the table he began to dance around madly. "It's a serious case," said Tom.

I have prepared a speech on the root of all evil that will not dake so mooch dime as the friends who have speak!" The devil, that means calumniator, by whom this reporter was so possessed, that he knew neither orthography nor grammar, was not so bad as the devil, by whom the evening 'Telegraph' was possessed.

And then, as if something had given way within him, he spoke long and bitterly. It was the only time I ever heard him discuss the conditions and hardships of his trade. "Dey get id all," he said, "dey get id by adverdisement, nod by work. Dey dake it away from us, who lofe our boods. Id gomes to this bresently I haf no work. Every year id gets less you will see."

Heinzman began to blubber; choked, shivered all over, and cried aloud with an expression of the greatest agony: "You must dake me somewheres. I must talk with you and your goot wife. I haf somedings to say to you." He in his turn grasped Orde by the arm. "I haf broke quarantine to gome and tell you. Dey are dere mit shotguns to kill me if I broke quarantine.

"You vant me to bractise running, so dot I gan catch you, eh?" grunted the German. "You vant me to eat breakfast sawdust for a dyspepsia vot I ain't got, huh? You vant me to dake breathing eggsercises ven I can dake more air into my lungs, alretty, dan your whole body gan disblace? You vant me to do monkey-tricks mit a dumb-pell, yen I gan do things like dis?"

I haf reason to dink dot you haf no moneys. Vat ish de druf? 'Gause if you haf none, you can no longer stay here." "Have I not paid for everything I have had so far?" said Dennis. "Dot is not der question. Haf you got any moneys?" "What is your bill in advance up to Monday morning?" "Zwei dollar and a quarter, if you dake preakfast."

"You are prepared to give or take?" said Jonathan, with same eagerness in his manner. "Yes." "Well, which will you do?" "I vill give," coolly replied the Dutchman. "Give!" echoed the Yankee, taken entirely by surprise at so unexpected a reply. "Give! You mean, take." "I no means dake, I means give. Here ish de monish;" and he drew forth a large roll of bank-bills.

No, Gaptain Branscombe, I'm only a poor paker, but I'd count myself a traidor to my family were I to dake a murderess for my pride!" "Rosalie isn't a murderess," I said. "I meant niece of a murderer," he returned. I was too speechless with indignation to utter another word.

He gazed with a new dread at the temporary shelters and men about him, the huts and men that resembled each other so closely in their patched decay. Until now, except in brief moments of depression, he had thought of himself as only a temporary part of this broken existence. But it was probable that he, too, was done like Runnel, and Dake, who lived on the fear of women.

Id drifts aboud with the currends of air jusd as a life-buoy drifts aboud with the currends of ocean, and the only advandage which the aeronaud has over the man with the life-buoy is thad the former can ascend or descend in search of a favourable air currend, whereas the ladder is obliged do dake the ocean currends as they come."