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He was on the point of addressing some remarks to the bartender, when the little round orator cut in with an energy quite amazing. "Der zoshul refolushun haf gome, my prudders!" he said. "Der bowder vas all retty der match to be struck mit. Ve neet noddings but ter stretch out mit der hant und der victory dake. Der gabitalist fool himselluf.

"Those horrid beebles, I tell you, are worse than prigants; if you hayff money, they will dake it; if you hayff not money, they will stroke your pack fifty times, pecause you hayff it not. They will cut your ears off; they will cut your nose off; they are plack tevils!" I determined to trust to luck all the same. The black devils might not be all out so black as they were painted.

Shust as ve make a big catch, und all honest, somedings go wrong, und der Russians nab us, dake our skins and our schooner, und send us mit der anarchists to Siberia. Ach! a pretty pad piziness!" "Yes, that's where it hurts," the sea lawyer went on. "Fifteen hundred skins in the salt piles, and all honest, a big pay-day coming to every man Jack of us, and then to be captured and lose it all!

May I drouble you to com and dake zem avay? And zere is more yet, he is goot businessman, he knows how von must hadvertise in zese 'ere toimes. 'E 'as 'elp me, so I vill 'elp 'im by distributing some of his cairculars for 'im. Infernal liberty! Confounded impudence! Shouldn't have had my hat if I 'd known he was going to play the fool with it like this! First Lady in Plush Cloak.

You must dake care of yourself, Herr Swift, or you vill but den, vot is der use of being gloomy-minded? I am sure you vill go more easy, und not vork so much." "I haven't worked much," replied the aged inventor. "I have only been helping my son on a new airship." "Den dot must stop," insisted the doctor. "You must haf gomplete rest dot's it gomplete rest."