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It seemed to him as if his love had gone from him indeed, yet gone but a little way; as if he needed but to find the right touch or intonation, and her heart would recognise him and be melted. Yet he durst not open his mouth, and drove in silence till they had passed the main park-gates and turned into the cross-cut lane along the wall. Then it seemed to him as if it must be now, or never.

"Pedro, non! Ma moder she nam' Moon Eye, an' ma fader she Cross-Cut Lajune. Derefor', A'm Batiste Xavier Jean Jacques de Beaumont Lajune." The bottle thumped upon the table top. "What the hell is that, a name or a song?" "Me, das ma nam' A'm call Batiste Xavier Jean " "Hold on there!

Then, because the driver had not prepared for the emergency of fallen trees rather, because the labor of removing a section would have been too long even if they had brought axes and a cross-cut saw she learned how it felt to be plodding through snow to her aristocratic knees.

Turning, they looked back up the cross-cut, but there was no Mrs. Pennypoker in sight. It seemed impossible that they could have lost their way, in a long, straight corridor, less than ten feet wide; some accident must have befallen them.

On the whole it was better that one of the four should remain by the camp; and Lucien, who cared less about hunting than any of them, willingly agreed to be the one. Their arrangements were soon completed, and the three hunters set out. They did not go straight towards the place where Norman had found the deer upon the preceding day, but took a cross-cut over the hills.

Be sure the cover-crust is plenty big pinch it down tight, prick and make a cross-cut at the center into which a tubelet of paper must be thrust to prevent the gravy's boiling over. Bake three-quarters of an hour, in a hot oven. Take up, and serve very hot. A gill of hot cream poured in through a funnel after taking up suits some palates mine is not among them.

P'raps they're walkin' across to Sivin Oaks, an' are takin' in Briarwood as a 'cross-cut'." "Hush!" whispered the Preceptress. "Isn't that somebody over yonder by the fountain?" They were all three silent, keeping close in the shadow. Some object did seem to be moving in the shadow of the fountain.

PEKING, June 25. Simple facts for home consumption. All boards in China are sawed by hand two men and a saw, like a cross-cut buck-saw. At the new Hotel de Peking, a big building, instead of carrying window casings ready to put in, they are carrying big logs cut the proper length for a casing. Spitting is a common accomplishment.

And veracious Gaudentia di Lucca hath a wondrous narration of the time consumed in rearing that mighty three-hundred-and-seventy-five- pillared Temple of the Year, somewhere beyond Libya; whereof, the columns did signify days, and all round fronted upon concentric zones of palaces, cross-cut by twelve grand avenues symbolizing the signs of the zodiac, all radiating from the sun-dome in their midst.

The silence was broken by the sound of voices talking the jargon of peons, I thought and I remembered that I was alone, and driving across a lonely part of the city. The voices seemed to be approaching down Powell Street, even now perhaps under the very convent walls. They sounded loud and jovial. "Can't you turn into the sand-lot, and make a cross-cut to Mason Street?" I whispered to the driver.