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In five minutes he was at Scotland Yard and was ushered into the office of Assistant Commissioner Cresswell. The white-haired man who came across to meet him with a smile of pleasure in his eyes disclosed the object of the summons. "I'm going to bring you into this case, Tarling," he said. "It has certain aspects which seem outside the humdrum experience of our own people.

The surf ran very high on the 14th, until three o'clock in the afternoon, when Lieutenant Cresswell landed with his detachment and part of their baggage; but nothing else could be received on shore until the 17th, when part of the provisions and stores were landed.

"Leave the rest to me; I'm hand in glove with Alwyn. I'll put stuff into him that'll make him wave the bloody shirt at the next meeting of the Bethel Literary see? Then I'll go to Cresswell and say, 'Dangerous nigger , just as I told you. He'll begin to move things. You see? Cresswell is in with Smith both directors in the big Cotton Combine and Smith will call Alwyn down.

No living soul had ever raised in her so deep an affection, and yet she knew now that, although the cost was great, she was willing to sacrifice Zora for Paris. After all, it was not too late; a rapid ride even now might secure high office for Alwyn and make Cresswell ambassador. It would be difficult but possible.

"Do they get that ten cents an hour?" asked Miss Taylor. "Oh, I don't know," replied Mr. Bocombe; "but suppose they do, for instance. That is an average wage today." "They look lazy," said Mrs. Grey. "They are lazy," said Mr. Cresswell. "So am I," added Mrs. Vanderpool, suppressing a yawn. "It is uninteresting," murmured her husband, preparing for a nap.

At this juncture the door opened and a young lady entered. Helen Cresswell was twenty, small and pretty, with a slightly languid air. Outside herself there was little in which she took very great interest, and her interest in herself was not absorbing. Yet she had a curiously sweet way. Her servants liked her and the tenants could count on her spasmodic attentions in time of sickness and trouble.

"Merely because he is intimately connected with the events that have turned you out of your usual, your right course. I see that your mind is moving in a rather narrow circle, which contains, besides yourself, two people only, Marr and Cresswell." "Darkness and light. Yes, it's true. How rotten of me," Julian exclaimed, like a schoolboy. "I'm like a squirrel in a cage, going round and round.

"Well, Colonel Cresswell is, of course, our greatest landlord a high-bred gentleman of the old school. He and his son a worthy successor to the name hold some fifty thousand acres. They may be considered representative types. Then, Mr. Maxwell has ten thousand acres and Mr. Tolliver a thousand." Miss Taylor wrote rapidly. "And cotton?" she asked.

His name is Big Tom, and his home is at Cresswell, in the county of Northumberland. He does not know that he is at all heroic; but it is pleasant to think of him after reading about those wretched excursionists who drowned each other in sheer fright within sight of his home. He has often saved life since then.

He murmured something about getting wet and drew up at the Toomsville bank. Miss Smith was invited politely into the private parlor. She explained her business. The President was there and Colonel Cresswell and one other local director. "I have come for a mortgage.