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Updated: August 13, 2024

They went to the police they wired to places up the coast and down the coast to keep a look out and Swallow also wired full particulars to Sir Cresswell Oliver, with the result that Sir Cresswell went to the naval authorities and got them to set their craft up north to work.

Greyle, to report all this to Sir Cresswell Oliver and Mr. Petherton? They ought to know." "I'm going, too," declared Copplestone, also rising. "Mrs. Greyle, I'm sure will entrust the whole matter to us. And Mr. Dennie will trust us with those papers." "Oh, certainly, certainly!" asserted Mr. Dennie, pushing his packet across the table.

No, father, this is the situation three good crops in succession will wipe off our indebtedness and leave us facing only low prices and a scarcity of niggers; on the other hand " The father interrupted impatiently. "Yes, on the other hand, if we plunge deeper in debt and betray our friends we may come out millionaires or paupers." "Precisely," said Harry Cresswell, calmly.

"Rising price of cotton, you mean," Harry corrected. "Oh, temporarily," John Taylor admitted. "Precisely, and thus postpone the decision." "No, Mr. Cresswell. I'm offering to let you in on the ground floor now not next year, or year after." "Mr. Taylor, have you any money in this?" "Everything I've got."

The "Monthly Review" informs us that the story is "the affair betwixt Mr. Cresswell and Miss Scrope, thrown into the form of a novel." The situation is somewhat similar to that described in "The Mercenary Lover."

This was not the girl he knew, but an Oliva Cresswell from whom all vitality and life had been sapped. "You know me?" he said. "I am Mr. Beale." "I know you are Mr. Beale," she replied evenly. "I have come to save you," he said rapidly. "Will you trust me? I want you to trust me," he said earnestly. "I want you to summon every atom of faith you have in human nature and invest it in me.

To say that I hate England and hate America for you Anglo-Saxons are one in your soulless covetousness is to express my feelings mildly." "But what is your scheme?" she asked. "Briefly I will tell you, Miss Cresswell, that you may understand that to-night you accompany history and are a participant in world politics. America and England are going to pay.

The Commissioner looked up in surprise. "Has he an heir?" he asked. "He has a cousin," said Tarling with a little smile, "a relationship close enough to qualify him for Lyne's millions, unfortunately." "Why unfortunately?" asked Mr. Cresswell. "Because I happen to be the heir," said Tarling. Tarling walked out of Scotland Yard on to the sunlit Embankment, trouble in his face.

Vanderpool's first care, and it led to a curious training in art and sense of beauty until the lady now and then found herself learner before the quick suggestiveness of Zora's mind. When Mrs. Harry Cresswell called a month or so later the talk naturally included mention of Zora. Mary was happy and vivacious, and noted the girl's rapid development.

At every opportunity she advocated the acceptance of the new school creed which Elizabeth and Miss Cresswell had drawn up. Considering the part which she had played in the examinations the previous spring, her present position was a difficult one. She knew that her strenuous efforts were looked upon by some with suspicion. But she continued.

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