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Let's see, we've got " He figured while the wheel whirred "7 7-1/2 8 8-1/2." Cresswell listened, staggered to his feet, his face crimson and his hair wild. "My God, Taylor," he gasped. "I'm I'm a half a million ahead great heavens!" The ticker whirred, "8-3/4 9 9-1/2 10." Then it stopped dead. "Exchange closed," said Taylor. "We've cornered the market all right cornered it d'ye hear, Cresswell?

And Sir Cresswell Oliver remarked on the difficulty of knowing exactly what to do once you had red-tape on one side and unusual craftiness on the other.

Easterly shouted. "It will ruin the plans of the Combine to put this amended Child Labor Bill through. John Taylor has just written me that he's starting mills at Toomsville, and that he depends on unrestricted labor conditions, as we must throughout the South. Doesn't Cresswell know this?" "Of course. I think it's just a bluff. If he gets the appointment he'll let the bill drop."

It was nearly a week later before Alwyn approached him again. "Now, see here," said Colonel Cresswell, "there's practically no difference between cash and time prices. We buy our stock on time and you can just as well take advantage of this as not. I have figured out about what these things will cost. The best thing for you to do is to make a deposit here and get things when you want them.

But Miss Smith stopped him. "Robert, where is the land Cresswell offers you?" "It's on the Tolliver place." "The Tolliver place?" "Yes, he is going to buy it." Miss Smith dismissed the boy absently and sat down. The crisis seemed drawing near. She had not dreamed the Tolliver place was for sale. The old man must be hard pressed to sell to the Cresswells. She started up. Why not go see him?

Faith's rich parish to be one of the party, and at the last moment Temple Bocombe, the sociologist, consented to join. "Awfully busy," he said, "but I've been reading up on the Negro problem since you mentioned the matter to me last week, Mr. Cresswell, and I think I understand it thoroughly. I may be able to help out."

"Come, Miss Glaum, let us be absolutely frank with one another. I am telling you that I don't intend bringing your action to the notice of the police, and you can give me a little information which will be very useful to me." "It's a lie," she repeated, visibly agitated, "I did not steal anything. If Miss Cresswell says so "

"Something Homo said last night when I told him frankly that I was searching for Miss Cresswell. 'Oh, said he, 'that's the lady that's marrying the doctor. He wouldn't tell me more. But he gave me an idea to make sure that no special licence is issued to van Heerden. I shall apply for one myself." The lawyer stared at him. "To marry the girl?" he gasped. "But "

And all the world was sunshine and peace. Fifteen Harry Cresswell was scowling over his breakfast.

"I take it," he said, "that you are a young gentleman of leisure, and that you can abide wherever you like, eh?" "Yes, you may take that as granted," answered Copplestone, wondering what was coming. "Doesn't much matter if you write your plays in Jermyn Street or anywhere else, eh?" questioned Sir Cresswell with a humorous smile. "Practically, no," replied Copplestone.