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A knotted mass of chestnut hair set off the shapely head: the large blue eyes were deepened by dark lashes. The underlip, however, was a little full, and the oval of the face through short curve of jaw a trifle too round. Her companion tried in vain to control the admiration of his gaze. Unelated by what she felt to be merely her due, Miss Conklin was silent for a time.

A day or two later, the Conklins and Bancroft were seated at dinner when a knock came at the door. "Come in!" said Mrs. Conklin, and a young officer appeared in the uniform of the United States cavalry. He paused on the threshold, lifted his cap, and apologized for his intrusion: "Elder Conklin, I believe?" The Elder nodded his head, but continued eating.

"Why," said the old woman, "you hadn't been gone more'n two minutes when his niece her as keeps his house comes driving home in a big cart. 'Hello! she says, 'blest if that isn't Uncle Fred! 'Yes, says one of 'em, 'and got it pretty badly this time, I can tell yer. There's a gentleman just gone to fetch Conklin. 'Conklin? says she. 'I'll Conklin 'im! Who do you think's going to pay 'im?

He retired slowly, and on his return stopped again in front of Miss Conklin with the word "reconciliation." She withstood the test triumphantly. Annoyed apparently with the pains she took, Mr. Stevens, on his next entrance, turned to a pretty, quiet girl named Miss Black, and gave her "stranger," with a glance at Bancroft, which spread a laugh among the boys.

"It would be a good thing if you did," responded the other. "Come over to the gym some afternoon and have a go at it!" "That would be setting a fine example, wouldn't it?" "As a matter of fact, it would," replied Mr. Conklin earnestly. "I wish I could convince Fernald of it!" Meanwhile, Clint and Penny, both chastened and uneasy, were reviewing the episode in Penny's room.

"Afterward, when North called at your office, you mentioned this transaction?" "Yes." "Do you know how many shares Mr. North expected to dispose of?" "Five, I think." Langham paused and glanced again in the direction of the gambler, but Gilmore seemed to have lost all interest in what was passing. Moxlow turned to Conklin. "You found no such sum as Mr.

So did Jesse Fell, James C. Conklin, Judge Davis, General Orme, Leonard Swett, Dick Yates and lots of others I knew. They never called him "Mister Lincoln," but it was always Abe, or Old Abe, or just plain Abe Lincoln. In that newly settled country you always called folks by their first names, especially when you liked them.

Conklin's maiden name; in the second place, it links her with the Colonial Puritan stock of which she is so justly proud being scornful of mere Daughters of the Revolution and finally, though Mrs. Conklin is a grandmother, her maiden name seems to preserve the sweet, vague illusion of girlhood which Mrs. Conklin always carries about her like the shadow of a dream.

"But why the devil don't the boys get together if they know Butch is coming with his gunmen?" "That's what they've done. Every able-bodied man in town is out in the hills trying to surprise Conklin's gang before they hit town with their guns going." Butler was a one-legged man, so Nash kept back the question which naturally formed in his mind. "How do they know Conklin is coming?

"We kin try that to-morrow. I'll be in the lot behind Richards' mill at four o'clock." "I'll be there," replied the schoolmaster, making his way again towards the group of girls. Nothing further happened until the old folk came in, and the party broke up. Driving homewards with Miss Conklin, Bancroft began: "How can I thank you enough for being so kind to me?