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"Then, what did he say?" "Chust nonsense. He vould dot I haf all his fortune, on kondition dot I sell nodings. Den he cried! Boor mann! It made me ver' sad." "Never mind, honey," returned the portress. "I have kept you waiting for your breakfast; it is nine o'clock and past; but don't scold me. I have business on hand, you see, business of yours.

"Chust you wait, Tom Rofer," answered the German cadet, and shook his fist at his tormentor. "I git square somedimes, or mine name ain't " "Sauerkraut!" finished another cadet, and a roar went up. "Hans, is it true that you eat sauerkraut three times a day when you are at home?" "No, I ton't eat him more as dree dimes a veek," answered Hans, innocently.

"What did it look like, Fraulein?" asked Cicely. "Chust like thees," was the astonishing answer, as absent-minded Fraulein held forth the missing umbrella, which all that time she had held tightly clasped in her hand, and which had been the cause of Edith's question as to whether she had more than one, for she supposed, of course, that the one Fraulein was so tightly holding must either be one she did not care to carry, or else one she was about to return to someone from whom she had probably borrowed it.

"Chust gif me the privilege of letting my arm limber me up, vill you?" "Go ahead," laughed Sparkfair. Hodge adjusted the body protector and pulled on the big catching mitt. "Keep open your eye for der curf uf der ball," warned Hans. "Uf I use too much speed for you, chust let me tell you so."

The crowd understood Peter's remark as they would have understood nothing else. They understood that besides those rifles and bayonets there was something else not to be trifled with. So in this case, it was not wasted. And Mr. Bohlmann, Christian though he was, as he read his paper that evening cried, "Och! Dod Beder Stirling he always does say chust der righd ding!"

I haf chust peen to see him in his boor home, vere he ees happy mit his children " "I will give him the cashier's place. Old Baudrand is going to leave." "Ah! Gott pless you!" cried Schmucke. "Very well, my good, kind fellow, meet me at Berthier's office about four o'clock this afternoon. Everything shall be ready, and you shall be secured from want for the rest of your days.

"Do go and ask him what it is that they all have against me," he said to the friend who knew all the details of the catastrophe that Pons could tell him. "Mennseir," Schmucke began diplomatically, "mine friend Bons is chust recofering from an illness; you haf no doubt fail to rekognize him?" "Not in the least." "But mit vat kann you rebroach him?"

"I chust here him apout quarter of an hour ago, und I ride der horse's legs off ter told yer." "But what is it out with it?" "It's apout dot girl you vos lookin' for. Rosy Delaney, dot Irish vomans vot haf such a long tongue got, she tole me der sthory. Gott im himmel! it vos dreadful!" "But tell me what it is, Dutchy!" exploded Rasco. "Wot is dreadful?"

And a general laugh went up over this extravagant statement. "The same old Spud!" cried Sam, as he gave the story-teller of the college a nudge in the ribs. "Spud, you are about as bad as Tom." "Chust vat I tinks," came from Max Spangler, a German-American student who was still struggling with the difficulties of the language. "Only I tinks bod of dem vas worser dan de udder."

"Take crate care of him, dear Montame Zipod," answered Schmucke, and he tried to take the portress' hand. "Oh! look here now, again." "Chust listen to me. You shall haf all dot I haf, gif ve safe him." "Very well; I will go round to the chemist's to get the things that are wanted; this illness is going to cost a lot, you see, sir, and what will you do?"