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Some one started a song and under cover of it Andy slipped out, Chet following. "Too bad, old man," consoled Andy's Harvard friend. "Is he often as bad as that?" "Not of late. It's getting in with that Gaffington crowd that starts him off. I guess he and I are done now." "I suppose so. But it's too bad." "Yes."

"He ast me," replied Chet, "if I meant by that to throw up the situation. 'Wa'al, I says 'I'm sick enough to throw up most anythin', I says, 'along with bein' found fault with fer nothin'." "And then?" queried John, who had received the impression that the motion to adjourn had come from the other side of the house.

Thus a Duke or Duchess was allowed in the morning one chet loaf, one manchet and a gallon of ale; in the afternoon one manchet and one gallon of ale; and for after supper one chet loaf, one manchet, one gallon of ale and a pitcher of wine, besides torches, etc. A Countess, however, was allowed nothing at all after supper, and a gentleman usher had no allowance for morning or afternoon.

Besides, I'm a law-abiding citizen. I don't hold with this here gunman business. I never was a killer, and I don't aim to begin now." "Sure, I know how tender-hearted you are, Chet. I'm that way, too. I'm awful sorry for myself when I get in trouble. That's why I tapped you on the cocoanut with the end of my quirt.

The pilot sank to the floor. Anita was beside him, shielding him with her own body from the rain of blows. Then they were buried beneath a great weight of odorous bodies till Chet, after a time, felt himself dragged to his feet. His head, was ringing with the shrieks of the shrill-voiced mob. He was still struggling, still fighting blindly, as the clamor ceased.

"But we're not going to have any such spoil-sport as Lil Pendleton along." "But Chet and Lance say that Prettyman Sweet has begged so hard to go camping with them, that they're going to take him just for the fun they will have at his expense, I s'pose," said Laura. "That's why Lil wants to go camping," Dora said.

And then followed such a whirlwind of sweeping and dusting and throwing about of furniture that poor Chet was dismayed and was forced to take refuge on the porch. However, when Billie, flushed and breathless and very, very pretty, took him by the arm and led him about to admire her handiwork, he told her that she was "some wonder."

The latter reluctantly opened their eyes and looked at him reproachfully. "Can't you let a fellow sleep?" Teddy asked. But Chet, with no ceremony whatever, hauled him bodily out of bed and set him on his feet. "Don't talk," he ordered. "Run as fast as you can to the roof before we miss it."

"Better have somebody watch it, too, or the kids from downtown will get in there and cut it all up. Just like 'em," growled Lance. "Don't fret. Old Godey is on guard. Trust him to keep the kids off the track," said Chet. "Is father at home, Laura?" "He's just come in," said his sister. "Has he found out about that bank-note yet?" "That is what I wanted to know," said the worried Chet.

But he landed in the middle of the sticks and leaves, and fell into the hole. That is how Nero was caught, and he did not like it at all. He wanted to be loose, to roam through the jungle as he liked. He wanted to try to find his father and his mother and Chet and Boo. But they were far away.