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"You can come to the island visiting. It will be perfectly proper. My mother says she will go to chaperon us, now that she knows there is a cabin there." "And Bobby's father is going to send a couple of men up from Lumberport to make the cabin tight and fix things up a little for us. We'll pitch our tents on the knoll right by the cabin," Laura said, eagerly. "Pretty spot," agreed Chet.

The others got through their recitations as best they could until lunch hour. Jess and Bobby caught up with Laura on the street when the latter went out for her customary walk. "Oh, Laura! What shall we do?" almost wept Jess. "Only two days! Nobody can learn that part not even as good as Hester knew it before Friday night." At that moment Chet Belding appeared from around the corner.

"It is less than a month since I stood here before you, when, as again is true to-night, the entire personnel of the executives of the Stratosphere Control Board was gathered to do honor to the pioneers of space the discoverer " On the stage near the speaker, Chet Bullard stared in consternation at a girl in a pilot's suit as grimed and ragged as his own.

"A whole day's ride, that's all," their father answered. "Say, Dad," cried Chet suddenly. "What do you suppose the old place is worth?" "I can't say, Chet," answered Mr. Bradley. "Being so far from good roads and the railroad, I am afraid the land is not worth much." "But it must be worth something," persisted the boy. Mr. Bradley smiled faintly. "For Billie's sake let us hope so.

"He told me he expected you would stay as long as might be necessary to get me well started," said John non-committally, mindful of Mr. Harum's injunction. "Jest like him," declared Chet. "Jest like him for all the world; but the fact o' the matter is 't I'm goin' to-morro'. I s'pose he thought," reflected Mr.

"You must have buried somebody by the way you look," declared her brother. "Don't nag, Chettie," sighed his sister. "We are having terrible times." "I judged so," Chet said dryly. "Don't you always have sich when you girls go in for acting?" "Now " "I am sympathetic, Laura I swear I am!" her brother cried, putting up his hands for pardon. "Don't shoot. But of course things always will go wrong.

She had not far to go, however, for Debbie was just lumbering, like a good-natured elephant, through the hall to greet her master and mistress. As soon as the greetings were over she lumbered back again to make the necessary tea. Billie and Chet controlled their impatience, answering the questions their mother had to ask them about all that had happened while they had been away, for Mrs.

Now," said Chet, "when I work fer a man I like to have him 'round so 't I c'n say to him: 'Shall I do it so? or shall I do it so? shall I? or sha'n't I? an' then when I make a mistake 's anybody's liable to he's as much to blame 's I be." "I suppose, then," said John, "that you must have to keep Mr. Harum's private accounts also, seeing that he knows so little of details.

Chet seemed satisfied to go on placidly painting toys or weaving chains with his great, square-tipped fingers the fingers that had wielded the pliers so cleverly in his pole-climbing days. "It's just something that only luck or an accident can mend," said the nerve specialist. "Time may do it but I doubt it. Sometimes just a word the right word will set the thing in motion again.

Miss Steele as a Red Cross girl and Chet as Uncle Sam will be fine to lead the grand march on skates." So it was decided, and they hurried Janet down to the girls' boathouse, which had a warm, cozy clubroom at one end where Mr. Godey, the watchman, stayed, and where, at this time of year, he was often busy sharpening skates.