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She picked up the vase and carried it into the corridor, and the carnations nodded their heads more vigorously than ever over her shoulder. I heard her call softly to some one. The some one answered with a sharp little cry that sounded like, "Conscious!" The next moment my own sister Norah came quietly into the room, and knelt at the side of my bed and took me in her arms.

"Come and look at the flowers in my bedroom," I called, "four great boxes full! Mr. Beresford must have ordered the carnations, because he always does; but where did the roses come from, I wonder?" I rang the bell, and a neat white-aproned maid appeared. "Who brought these flowers, please?" "I cudna say, mam." "Thank you; will you be good enough to ask Mrs. M'Collop?"

Don't you think that those carnations would be improved by a little more foliage at the base? They strike me as being a little set and formal. Now, is not that better?" As if he had not either care or trouble in the world, Sir Charles added a few deft touches to the deep crimson blooms. His face was careless and boyish and open again.

She was unable to help referring constantly to the hit she made in Peril at Manchester in 1887; nor could she ever resist speaking of the young man who sent her red carnations every day of his blighted existence for fifteen years; a pure romance, indeed, for, as she owned, he never even wished to be introduced to her.

On the night of the supper-party, I was wearing a white muslin dress with transparent chemise sleeves, a fichu and a long skirt with a Nattier blue taffeta sash. I had taken a bunch of rose carnations out of a glass and pinned them into my fichu with three diamond ducks given me by Lord Carmichael, our delightful Peeblesshire friend and neighbour.

Then Miss Pinckney's voice as from an upper window: "Dinah! Seth! what's that I hear? Get on with your work the pair of you and stop your chattering. You hear me?" When Phyl came down Richard Pinckney was in the garden smoking a cigarette and gathering some carnations. "They're for aunt," said he, "to propitiate her for my being late last night. I wasn't in till one.

Listen in on the following: The third year that Nicholas practiced law, junior member in the Broad Street firm of Leavitt & Dilsheimer, he took to absenting himself from dinner so frequently, that across the sturdy oak dining table, laid out in a red-and-white cloth, gold-band china not too thick of lip, and a cut-glass fern dish with cunningly contrived cotton carnations stuck in among the growing green, Sara, over rich and native foods, came more and more to regard her husband through a clutch of fear.

With The Sparrow Hugh was ushered into a big, sunny room overlooking the beautiful garden where climbing geraniums ran riot with carnations and violets, and for some minutes they waited. From the windows spread a wide view of the calm sapphire sea. Then suddenly the door opened.

Row upon row they stretched, fifteen acres of regal chrysanthemums, roses pink, yellow, white and red, fragile lilies of the valley, carnations and vivid orchids, no two alike, yet all expressions of plant life.

We were anxious to get on shore to see about coals, water, and provisions, but no health-boat came near us. We landed, went to the market, bought some lovely carnations stuck in a prickly-pear leaf to keep them fresh, and then went to the Hôtel Royal kept by the landlord of the old Club House Hotel, where we had so often stayed to order breakfast.