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Rankeillor and I arm in arm, and Torrance following behind with the deed in his pocket and a covered basket in his hand. All through the town, the lawyer was bowing right and left, and continually being button-holed by gentlemen on matters of burgh or private business; and I could see he was one greatly looked up to in the county.

He borrowed every book in New Salem; he made the schoolmaster give him lessons in the store; he button-holed every stranger that came into the place "who looked as though he knew anything"; until, at last, every one in New Salem was ready to echo Offutt's boast that "Abe Lincoln" knew more than any man "in these United States."

The friends who met him in the street were perforce ready to be button-holed, while a long string of questions of this kind followed one another from his lips: "My dear friend, I am delighted to see you. Are quite well? How is Shashi? and Dada is he all right? Do you know, I've only just heard that Madhu's son has got fever. How is he? Have you heard?

In a tall hat and a well-to-do dark blue overcoat he allowed himself to be button-holed in the hall by Therese who would talk to him interminably with downcast eyes. He smiled gravely down at her, and meanwhile tried to edge towards the front door. I imagine he didn’t put a great value on Therese’s favour. Our stay in harbour was prolonged this time and I kept indoors like an invalid.

He glanced suspiciously towards his chief clerk. Burton, however, had at that moment been button-holed by a fidgety old gentleman who desired to ask him a few questions. "I am a little puzzled, sir," the old gentleman said, confidentially, "about the absolute authenticity of this chippendale suite lot number 101 in the catalogue.

"Oh, the pity of it!" said he. "I wish I could gather her slanderers into one room and read them these letters," said Belle. For days afterward she button-holed people in the street to tell them about Mary, or to read them scraps of her letters. If they had said she was vain and idle, and selfish and incompetent, just like the half of their own daughters, Belle could have forgiven them.

On Thursday morning Mayor Van Ness stalked into Turner, Lucas & Company's bank and button-holed the manager. This was William T. Sherman, late of the United States army. "Sherman," said Van Ness excitedly, "is it true that you've been appointed major-general in charge of the second division of the California Militia?" "It is," retorted Sherman.

The American offensive at St Mihiel on the 12th had undoubtedly keyed-up our men, and any one supposed to know anything at all was being button-holed for fore-casts of the extent of the Allies' giant thrust up to the time of the winter rains.

He stamped out of the office Blount having moved into the bank building where he had formerly officiated as president and made a break for his machine; but other eyes had marked his arrival in town and Death Valley Charley button-holed him. "Say," he said, "do you want something good an option on ten first-class claims?

'Certainly; go where you like, Frank said, struggling to reach the door; but Peterkin button-holed him and held him fast, while he continued: 'I say, Tracy, heard anything from them diamonds? 'Nothing, was the reply. 'Didn't hunt in the right quarter, Peterkin continued, 'leastwise didn't foller it up, or you'd a found 'em without so much advertisin'. 'What do you mean? Frank asked.