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McGuire stared a long time at Professor Brierly, at his comrades, at the officers. He said: "Yes, I killed Brown. I killed him in self-defense." He drew out the weapon, slowly. Professor Brierly's voice, in the strained silence that had fallen on the group, sounded like a death knell. "You did not kill Goldberg and Tonti in self-defense.

A swift glance about the circle of faces showed Jimmy that they were all of the same mind. Professor Brierly said: "I understand. That is why I was reluctant to make the charge sooner, when we discussed it the other day. Some of you urged me, remember, to make a guess, which I could have done then. This terrible thing that happened this morning is something I could hardly foresee."

King as Jack Loughead was cleverly off; "we are so near, it's a pity not to drop down on them." "Don't you think you ought to hurry back to Brierly?" asked Jasper, having hard work not to show that he cared anything about it one way or the other. "No, I don't," answered his father, in his crispest fashion. "No one needs me there; Mrs. Cabot is a host in herself, and those boys may who knows?

He interrupted their spokesman: "What's this about, what do you want Professor Brierly for?" The other looked at him insolently. "I said, we want Professor Brierly, young feller." "Yes, I heard that; I asked what you want him for." "Well, if you want to know, he's under arrest." "I'm still curious to know all about it," quietly said Matthews. "What's he under arrest for?"

His eyes took on the gleam they always held when there was a good story in sight. Canada, with Professor Brierly available, with Jack Matthews, with good beer and ale and the possibility of a good story, with all expenses paid, might be a good idea after all. About two-thirds of the thirty-odd miles of Lake Memphremagog lies in Canada, Province of Quebec.

We did not know you were coming." Hale briefly explained that he had been taking an involuntary lesson in the geography of the New England states and part of Canada; that he had been driving for something more than twenty-four hours. Professor Brierly hospitably insisted that he take a bath and a rest.

"What about the watch, Professor? Can you tell as much about it as you can about the rope and twine?" Professor Brierly snapped at him: "Are you trying to be funny, young man? Are you trying to convey the impression, are you implying that you do not believe what the microscope showed me when " "Pardon me, Professor. I worded my question wrong.

Everybody, including the prisoner, looked at the old scientist with surprise. 'Fingy' had recovered his composure by this time. He asked Professor Brierly: "What is it, Prof, is it me tonsils or me teeth? I had me tonsils out and a tooth carpenter recently socked me a hell of a wad for fixin' up me grinders."

Hale began, slowly, not knowing how to broach the subject: "Was there something, Professor, that you were holding back in Justice Higginbotham's camp, something you knew, that you did not care to tell." Professor Brierly looked at him quizzically. "You are an acute young man, Hale or, was I so obvious?"

He disliked the man, as he disliked all foreigners who dared invasion of his wilderness; he would have feared him, too, had he known that it had really been him and not young Layson and Madge Brierly who had made the noise there in the thicket which had disturbed him, that day, when, armed to meet a raid of revenuers, he had rushed out from his still to find the girl and the young bluegrass gentleman in a close company which worried him almost as much as the appearance of the officers, in fact, could have done.