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Philip found that they owed five dollars for the hall, five dollars for advertising and printing, and one dollar for bill-posting eleven dollars in all. "Mr. Gates," said our hero uneasily, to the landlord, "did Professor Riccabocca say anything about coming back when he went out this morning?"

Minford, kindly, but condescendingly, "you are just in time to hear good news. "Glad to hear it, sir," answered the boy Bog, blushing hard, lifting his eyes from the floor long enough to glance at Mr. Minford and his daughter, and all the while slapping his knees vigorously. "He is in the bill-posting business," said Mr. Minford to Marcus.

He still further added to his income by bill-posting and paper-hanging, for he belonged to the rank and file of life, with a place in the procession well toward the tail. But Custer had no suspicion of this. He never saw his father as the world saw him.

His most constant companion was Fabian Osterhaut, who was the common property of both towns, doing a little of everything for a living, from bill-posting to the solicitation of an insurance agent.

"After he had erected it over me he stopped to chat a bit, but the conversation bored me, for he could talk of nothing but bill-posting. "'You wouldn't ruin the landscape here, would you? I asked. "'Ruin it! repeated Frisby, nervously. 'It's ruined now; there ain't a place to stick a bill. "'The snipe stick bills in the sand, I said, flippantly. "There was no humor about Frisby.

"Let a dozen worms do a dozen turns! I never thought I'd see the day when a Devereux almost the same thing as a Starkweather 'd figure in a disgrace such as yours. You've heaped muck on your uncle's parlour-carpet. But some day you'll see the writing on the wall, Henry." He was tempted to remind her of another city ordinance against bill-posting, but he refrained, and saved it up for Anna.

He had given up the bill-posting business, not because he was sick of it, or ashamed of it, but because old Van Quintem loved his adopted son so well, that he could not spare him from his side. Bog passed the greater portion of every day with him, rambling through the streets, or riding to the suburbs in the old family carriage, or reading the dear old books to him.

Basil Fenleigh, to tell the truth, was about to issue an invitation to a "few friends" to join him in starting an advertisement and bill-posting agency business; to be conducted, so said the rough copy of the circular, on entirely novel lines, which could not fail to ensure success, and the drafting out of which had occupied most of his leisure time during the past twelve months.

Certainly I have seen a man intolerably vain because he could raise a hundred-weight with his little finger; and I dare say that the "champion bill-poster," whose name is advertised on the walls of this metropolis, thinks excellence in bill-posting the highest virtue of a citizen. So some men may be silly enough to brag in all seriousness about mountain exploits.

They saw, in this illustration of his bill-posting talents, only an evidence of business shrewdness that deserved encouragement. The young girl, however, viewed it in the light of a violation of law, and therefore could not conscientiously approve of it. Bog noticed her silence, and guessed the cause.