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I should not have been surprised if you had failed me, sir. It is a long way from Vienna to this out-of-the-way " "The most distant spot in the world would not have been too far away to cause an instant's hesitation on my part," said he, dropping into the chair opposite her. "I would go to the end of the world, Bedelia." "But your personal affairs your business," she protested.

Gaston. She was leaning back in her chair, smiling benignly. He had an uncomfortable thought: was he walking into a trap set for him by this clever woman? Had she an ulterior motive in advancing his cause? "But it would be perfectly silly of you to follow me in a car," said Bedelia, trying to regain her lost composure. "Perfectly silly, wouldn't it, Mrs. Gas-ton?" "Perfectly," said Mrs. Gaston.

Johnny whirled suddenly and retreated to the telephone booth, shutting the door tightly behind him. It was the first time in his life that he had run from any one. To gain time, he called up the Rolling R Ranch again and managed to get Bedelia, the cook, on the 'phone. Bedelia was perfectly willing to tell all she knew, and she appeared to know a great deal.

"I suppose they are used to almost anything in the way of human nature, so if they don't mind, I'm sure I sha'n't. I haven't the slightest objection to being watched by detectives, if we can only keep other people from seeing us." "Don't be silly," she cried. "And let me remind you while I think of it: You are not to call me Bedelia." "Bedelia," he said deliberately. She sighed.

He had to be content with a warm hand-clasp and a smile of welcome that even the gloom could not hide from his devouring eyes. "My dear, dear Bedelia," he murmured. "I had almost given you up. Three long days have I waited for you. You " "I have never broken a promise, Rex," she said coolly." It is you who are to be commended, not I, for you see I was coming to Graustark anyway.

Then she made it clear to the good lady that she was not to be left alone for an instant to confront the welcome besieger. And so it was that when Robin and Bedelia walked or rode together, they were attended by prevention.

Who is your favourite author?" she inquired lightly. "Baedeker," he replied, with promptness. "Without my Baedeker, I should never have chanced upon the route travelled by love, nor the hotel where I now lodge in close proximity to " "Will you please be sensible?" "You invite something to the contrary, Bedelia," he ventured. "Haven't I requested you to "

"It doesn't matter," he whispered hoarsely. "I don't care what happens to me, Bedelia, I I shall never give you up. You are worth all the kingdoms in the world. You are the loveliest, most adorable " "Hush! The eyes of your people are upon you. See! Even the waiter recognises his prince. He is overcome. Ah! He falters with the consomme. It is a perilous moment. There!

If Bedelia were there, she could not help knowing who and what he was, with every one stupidly lifting his hat and bowing to him as he passed, and he did not want Bedelia to know the truth about him until she had answered an all- important question, as has been mentioned before on more than one occasion in the course of this simple tale. Her letter was brief.

The spell was upon him; he was in thralldom. She wore a rose-coloured gown, soft, slinky, seductive. A light Egyptian scarf lay across her bare shoulders. The slim, white neck and the soft dark hair but she sighed! He heard that faint, quick- drawn sigh and started to his feet. "Bedelia!" he whispered softly. She turned quickly, to find him standing beside her, his face aglow with rapture.