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Why, he'd shut up tighter'n a clam at low water and he'd give you fits besides. Go to Cap'n Shad and ask about Ed Farmer! My soul! You try it! Aw, don't be foolish, Mary-'Gusta." "I'm not going to be foolish, Isaiah.

Still Our Lady made no sign. Lovey grew desperate. "Aw, very well, then!" she cried. "Try what it feels like without your liddle Jesus!" And reaching up a hand, she snatched at and lifted the Holy Child that fitted into a stone socket on Our Lady's arm. It came away in her grasp, and she fled, tucking it under her shawl.

"She carried on more like a female vampire than one of these advocaters of woman's rights!" "Aw, shut up and go to bed," Old Heck grunted. "It's too late to start any argument!"

"Aw thank you, my dear," he said, fastening the forget-me-not into his Sunday coat, "but I ought not to take it all. It's yours." The voice had a quiet, almost distant sound in it. "Ours," Maria murmured to herself, addressing the faces in the water. She took the fragment Stumper handed back to her.

"Come on you, Lute Parsons!" roared the Judge, while a group of matrons meekly subscribed their signatures. "We want some live men-folks on this document.... Aw, never mind, if you did! We all know you wa'n't yourself that night, Lucius.... That's right; come right forward! We want the signature of every man that went out there that night, full of cussedness and bad whiskey.... That's the ticket!

Suddenly he remembered the cave. It was the cave of the Carasdhoo men. He éould hear the voice of Pete in its rumbling depths; he could hear and see himself. "Shall we save the women, Pete? we always do." "Aw, yes, the women and the boys." The tenderness of that memory was too much for Philip. He came out of the cave, and walked back over the shore.

Why didn't you get here sooner?" queried Longstreth. "Poggin, damn him! We're on the outs again." "What for?" "Aw, he needn't have got sore. He's breakin' a new hoss over at Faraway, an you know him where a hoss 's concerned. That kept him, I reckon, more than anythin'." "What else? Get it out of your system so we can go on to the new job." "Well, it begins back a ways.

And what if he does? You faced the Chicago Terror twenty rounds without flinching." "Aw, but it's different," he demurred, then dropped to the ground inside the fence. "Two to one the old geezer turns me down." "No, he won't. Just tell him you want to learn, and ask him if he'll let you drive around a few times. Tell him it won't cost him anything." "Huh!

Did you think aw was goin' to gie my neck to the noose just to put your knife to proper use? But don't stir till aw gie you the word, or aw'll choke the breath o' life out o' ye. "At that Faddo sprung to clinch Laney's arms, but Laney's fingers caught him in the throat, and I thought surely Faddo was gone, for his tongue stood out a finger-length, and he was black in the face.

"Sure! He's Danny O'Flannigan." "Well?" Into Bob's face came a look of pitying derision. "'Well," he mocked. "Mebbe 't will be 'well, an' then again mebbe 't won't. It all depends on yer dad." "On dad!" "Sure! He's Danny O'Flannigan, the boss o' this ward." "But what has that got to do with my dad?" "Aw, come off as if ye did n't know! It all depends whether he's nailed him or not."