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Och, an' I ken folk mysel' that found an iron pot o' doubloons in the peat bink; but aul' Tchonie, he just takes what he will be needin', and he takes it at night when the folks are abed.

"If I catch m'self thinkin' aanythin' sauncy ov that aul haythen baste I'll change m' name!" he said, as he turned and left in high dudgeon. When I got to the pigsty there were several early callers lounging around. "Jowler" Hainey sat on a big stone near the slit.

It was a splendid idea, he thought; there could not be a better hiding-place, and running as fast as his feet could carry him to a clump of furze, he pushed his boots far in under the bush, took one glance to see that all was safe, and fled back again to the garden-door. "Paul, Pau aul." He heard his own name being called, and ran on with a new fear in his heart.

One of his intimate friends also an ex-student and fellow- sufferer was to pass through our town on his way back from a far-distant Yakut aul, where he had lived for three years; he was due to arrive on Christmas Eve.

Stuart first came to our village he again took up his aul' habits o' industry, an' for a long time would'na taste drink ava; but when the excitement o' the sudden change had worn off, his aul' likin' for strong drink cam' back wi' fu' force, an' he, puir weak man had'na the strength o' mind to withstand it.

Time gied on till Geordie was near twelve years aul', when it began to be talked o' among Mr. Stuart's friends that he was becoming owre fond o' drink. How the habit was first formed naebody could tell; but certain it was, that during the past year he had been often seen the war o' drink.

'Alf a dozen of you clap on to the main sheet here, down with 'im! D'y'see 'ere's hall like a midshipman's bag, heverythink huppermost and nothing 'andy. 'Aul 'im in, Hi say!" But the sail wouldn't come, though. All the most forcible expressions of the Commination-Service were liberally bestowed on the watch.

The comparative scarcity of polemical athletes and the relative plenty of the Miss Susie Goldrick kind of teachers, apparently called into being the Berean Lesson Leaf system, with its Bible cut up into lady-bites of ten or twelve verses, its Golden Topics, Golden Texts, its apt alliterations, like: S AMUEL EEKS AUL ORROWING

"Imphm," says Dan; "imphm, Hamish, as Aul' Nick said when his mouth was fu'. Yon's Finlay's beast, and I'm thinkin' o' a' Finlay's lassies, there's just wan wid bother her noddle tae come here away, and that's Mirren; but wae's me," said he, with his droll smile, "she's set her cap at the excise-man, they tell me."

See also Sir A. Evans's striking address on 'The Minoan and Mycenaean Element in Hellenic Life', J. H. S. xxxii. 277-97. Sam Wide in Gercke and Norden's Handbuch, ii. 217-19. Cf. Iph. Aul. 394, 1189; Herc. 655; also the ideas in Suppl. 203, Eur. Fr. 52, 9, where Ξύνεσις is implanted in man by a special grace of God.