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After he died the house fell into decay, but the tree was fixed on as representing the departed king, and out of respect for his memory it was made the substitute of a living and royal protector. It was called "O le asi pulu tangata," the asi tree the refuge of men. This reminds me of what I once heard from a native of another island.

Con todo, ¿yo, qué puedo hacer? decírselo cuando más a la señorita ... pero si ella sale con lo que su padre ... entonces.... DON EDUARDO. Entonces, tendremos los dos paciencia ... y no la volveré a importunar más. BRUNO. Siendo así, voy, pues, y Dios haga que no la coja de mal talante.

And everywhere general admiration! "Así, siñorita! Here, my dear young lady!" "Vinga, doña Leonor! This way, doña Leonora!" the huckstresses cried, calling her by name to show greater intimacy. And she would smile, with a familiar intimate word for everybody, her hand frequently visiting the purse of Russian leather that hung from her wrist.

Those who have read the Khandogya Upanishad remember how in that treatise the father instructs his son Svetakeitu on this very subject pointing him out in succession the objects of Nature and on each occasion exhorting him to realize his identity with the very essence of the object "Tat twam asi, THAT thou art." He calls Svetaketu's attention to a tree. What is the ESSENCE of the tree?

Asi, like Mataafa, disclaimed his chiefship and declared himself a private person; but he was more rudely dealt with. German sailors surrounded his house in the night, burst in, and dragged the women out of the mosquito nets an offence against Samoan manners.

'Non-being' we may call it, in so far as while it is observed at a certain moment in a certain form it is at some other moment observed in a different condition. Scripture does not teach that Release is due to the knowledge of a non- qualified Brahman. the meaning of 'tat tvam asi.

DON PEDRO. De quien supongo que heredará también el título que aquél tiene de alguacil mayor de.... DON EDUARDO. ¡ señor, si es de mayorazgo! DON PEDRO. Así, hija mía, puedes tranquilizarte, porque elección más juiciosa, más a gusto mío, más a gusto de todos....

BRUNO. A buena hora, mangas verdes ... téngala usted, D. Eduardo ... así ... ya llegó al suelo ... y corren como gamos ... y ya llegan a la iglesia ... y ya entran y ... Dios los haga buenos casados ... quitémonos ahora de la reja ... cerrémosla ... y cuidemos antes de todo de esconder el espadín de acero. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Lo que tarda en encenderse esta lumbre! DON EDUARDO. Si no soplas derecho.

Asi, like Mataafa, disclaimed his chiefship and declared himself a private person; but he was more rudely dealt with. German sailors surrounded his house in the night, burst in, and dragged the women out of the mosquito nets an offence against Samoan manners.

The guard upon the gaol was accordingly strengthened; a war-party was sent to watch the Vaiusu road under Asi; and the chiefs of the Vaimaunga were notified to arm and assemble their men. It must be supposed the president was doubtful of the loyalty of these assistants.