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He said that Mangas was undoubtedly one of the ablest statesmen, as well as the most influential and sagacious of all the Chiefs of the Indian tribes of the southwest; and related many anecdotes illustrative of his character, incidents that had come under his own observation, which entertained us until a late hour, and gave us an insight into Apache life, that was both amusing and instructive.

They passed too rapidly for individual notice, but it was a grand moving picture of handsome men in scarlet and gold of graceful mangas and waving plumes, and bright-colored velvet capes; of high-mettled horses, and richly-adorned Mexican saddles, aqueras of black fur, and silver stirrups; of thousands of common soldiers, in a fine uniform of red and blue; with antique brazen helmets gleaming in the sun, and long lances, adorned with tri-colored streamers.

BRUNO. A buena hora, mangas verdes ... téngala usted, D. Eduardo ... así ... ya llegó al suelo ... y corren como gamos ... y ya llegan a la iglesia ... y ya entran y ... Dios los haga buenos casados ... quitémonos ahora de la reja ... cerrémosla ... y cuidemos antes de todo de esconder el espadín de acero. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Lo que tarda en encenderse esta lumbre! DON EDUARDO. Si no soplas derecho.

We see mangas and tilmas, and men wearing the sandal, as in Eastern lands. On the women we observe the graceful rebozo, the short nagua, and the embroidered chemisette.

Some mended their saddles, or were wiping out an old carbine or a clumsy escopette. Some strutted around the yard, swinging their bright mangas, or trailing after them the picturesque serape. Women in rebozos and coloured skirts walked to and fro among the men. The women carried jars filled with water. They knelt before smooth stones, and kneaded tortillas.

He had once met Mangas Colorado, the head chief of the tribe, who was called Red Sleeve, from the fact that he never failed to besmear his arms to the elbow, in the blood of his victims. He described him as over six feet in height, with an enormously large head, a broad, bold forehead, large, aquiline nose, huge mouth, and broad, heavy chin.

*el mismo que viste y calza*: 'fine and dandy'; 'as big as life. The correct expression is *vestido y calzado*. *A buena hora, mangas verdes*: 'nice time for that. Cf. the similar expression *buenas son mangas después de pascua* 'it's high time, but better late than never.

Patsey's Adventure with the "Divil." "That bar" again. What Jerry says. An Unsuccessful Hunt. A Startling Echo. Apache Visitors. El Chico. The Apache Chief. Mr. Mastin. Mangas Colorado. Cadette. A Terrible Battle. Hal begins his Story of Apache Land. An Interruption. "The Bear's goned." The Pursuit. A Bear Hunt. Patsey explains. A Promise. Continuation of Hal's Story. Warm Blood.