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"I command the said Don Diego, or whoever shall possess the said mayorazgo, that he labor and strive always for the honor, and welfare, and increase of the city of Genoa, and employ all his abilities and means in defending and augmenting the welfare and honor of her republic, in all matters which are not contrary to the service of the church of God, and the state of the king and queen our sovereigns, and their successors."

The first considerable sum which I received was upon the publication of my novel The Mayorazgo of Labraz. Henrich of Barcelona paid me two thousand pesetas for it. I invested the two thousand pesetas in a speculation upon the Bourse, and they disappeared in two weeks. The money which I have received for my other books, I have employed to better purpose.

DON PEDRO. De quien supongo que heredará también el título que aquél tiene de alguacil mayor de.... DON EDUARDO. ¡ señor, si es de mayorazgo! DON PEDRO. Así, hija mía, puedes tranquilizarte, porque elección más juiciosa, más a gusto mío, más a gusto de todos....

Muerto D. Pedro en 1794, la viuda regresó a Madrid con tres hijos, siendo nacidos en España D. Francisco, en quien debía recaer el mayorazgo, y D. Pedro Ángel, después matemático notable y a quien como literato elogia D. Eugenio de Ochoa en el Tesoro del Teatro Español.

The entailed inheritance, or mayorazgo, in case he died without male issue, was to go to his brother Don Fernando, and from him, in like case, to pass to his uncle Don Bartholomew, descending always to the nearest male heir; in failure of which it was to pass to the female nearest in lineage to the admiral.

DON PEDRO. El de pedirme su mano. ¿No es ése? DON EDUARDO. Ése mismo; y si fuera yo tan dichoso que reuniera a los ojos de usted aquellas circunstancias.... DON PEDRO. Muchas reune usted, por vida mía, Sr. D. Eduardo: nacimiento ilustre, mayorazgo crecido, educación, talento, moralidad.... DON EDUARDO. Usted me confunde, Sr. D. Pedro.