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"I've ben hankerin' to make money, without knowin' how to do it. I tell ye, Peggy, it pays to read the newspapers. This one's give me a hint how to carve out a future career, an' I'll write a story as'll make them girl edyturs set up an' take notice." "Make it someth'n' 'bout Injuns," suggested Peggy. "I ain't read a Injun story fer years." "No; they're out o' fashion," observed Skim loftily.

"Jest plant yerself thar. Thar's somethin' in that 'ere chest as'll make ye tell the truth." Yates looked at the chest and hesitated. "It ain't powder," said Jim, "but it'll blow ye worse nor powder, if ye don't tell the truth." Yates sat down.

"Does Elise want to marry you?" asked Billie. "Oh, that's the very pint!" said the seaman with decision. "If I could only make sure o' that pint, I'd maybe manage to come up to the scratch. Now, that's what I wants you to find out for me, Little Bill, an' I know you're a good little shaver, as'll do a friend a good turn when you can. But you must on no account mention "

Misthress Sharp says she's almost beautifuller nor my ledy was when she was yoong; an' I think ye'll noot faind man i' the counthry as'll coom up to that. 'Yes, Miss Assher is very handsome, said Caterina, rather faintly, feeling the sense of her own insignificance returning at this picture of the impression Miss Assher made on others.

"And why not, old saltwater?" inquired Ben, turning a quid in his mouth. "'Cos there's a gale a-getting up as'll perwent you, young freshwater," replied the tar. "It must look sharp then, or I shall give it the slip," laughed Ben: "the gale never yet blowed as could perwent my crossing the Thames. The weather's been foul enough for the last fortnight, but I've never turned my back upon it."

Orkins, I will; but I am grateful for your gettin' me off that job, and if a piece o' plate will be any good, I'll guarantee it's good old family stuff as'll fetch you a lot o' money some day." I again told him to go, and, disappointed at my not accepting things of greater value, he said, "Sir, will a sack o' taters be of any service to you?" This sort of gratitude was not uncommon in those days.

"I know'd a feller," said Jones, "wot always said, w'en he heard a feller say that, `You'll come for to wish that ye hadn't; but I think ye're right, cap'en; for it's a clear case, clear as daylight; an' we'll all swear to a'most anything as'll go fur to prove it." "But are you sure your messmates are as willing as you are to witness against the captain?" "Sure? In coorse I is sartin sure.

'I thought he'd maybe die, and I should niver see him. 'A'll promise yo' shall see him; that's t' say if a' goes on well, for he's getten an ugly hurt. Mother says as there's four blue marks on his side as'll last him his life, an' t' doctor fears bleeding i' his inside; and then he'll drop down dead when no one looks for 't.

Now, I say to our young friend and feller-citizen, don't go 'way tell you've spoke a consolin' word to a girl as'll stick to you tell the hour and article of death, and then remains yours truly forever, amen." "How do you know that, Jonas?" said August, smiling in spite of himself. "How do I know it?

BOLSHÓV. All right, Lázar; make it over to him; he's a young man with understanding, and he has some capital. RISPOLÓZHENSKY. What do you want, Samsón Sílych, a mortgage-deed or a purchase-deed? BOLSHÓV. Whichever you can get at the lowest interest rate'll suit me. But do the thing up brown and I'll give you such a fee, Sysóy Psoich, as'll fairly make your hair curl.