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"We never got no letter from you, Sammul," said his sister; "there was a man as would have seen as we got it, if any letter had come for us arter we flitted." "I never wrote; but I ought to have done; it were not right," replied Samuel; "and when I see'd it were my duty, it were too late for writing, for I were coming home myself."

It war just a piece of cussedness, and I have asked myself forty-eleven times since, what on arth made me make such a blame fool of myself. Afore that fellow came over to bluff me I hadn't no thought of following the waggons, but arter that I felt somehow as if he dared me to do it.

"Coming home was worse than rheumatism to me, and I'm going back soon's I kin walk without a cane. Wouldn't 'a' come as 'tis, if that Zeb Jarvis hadn't jes' packed me off. By Jocks! I thought you and he was acquainted, but you don't seem to ask arter him." "I felt sure he would try I heard he was doing his duty," she replied with averted face.

He was surprised to find that Bob hadn't 'eard anything of the gold watch 'e was offering, but Bob said he was a busy, 'ard-working man and didn't 'ave no time to go to hear speeches or listen to tittle-tattle. "'When I've done my day's work, he ses, 'I can always find a job in the garden, and arter that I go in and 'elp my missis put the children to bed.

"Oh, I jest clipped it over," returned Lucy Ann carelessly. "I'm goin' to git a ride home. I see Marden's wagon when I come by the post-office." "Well, I hadn't any expectation o' your bein' here," said Ezra. "I meant to ride round to-morrer. We want you to spend Thanksgivin' Day with us. I'll come over arter you."

Chops indulges himself in the pleasing delusion that one of these days he is to Come Into his Property, his ideas respecting which are never realised by him so powerfully as when he sits upon a barrel-organ and has the handle turned! "Arter the wibration has run through him a little time," says Mr. Magsman, "he screeches out, 'Toby, I feel my property a-coming gr-r-rind away!

He sat there struck all of a heap, wondering wot he was going to do, and just at that moment there was a knock at the street door. "I'll open it," he ses. He jumped up before anybody could stop 'im and went to the door. Two seconds arter Ted Denver followed 'im, and that is last he ever saw of Charlie Brice, he was running down the road without 'is hat as hard as he could run.

Well, jist as I had done, in walks the porter's first leftenant; and sais he, 'Mr. Tact will see you, Sir. "'He come plaguy near not seein' of me, then, sais I; 'for I had jist commenced makin' tracks as you come in. The next time he sends for me, tell him not to send till he is ready, will you? For it's a rule o' mine to tag arter no man.

'Thank'ee, my dear, said Mr. Weller, senior. 'How do you find yourself arter it, my love? 'Scoffer! exclaimed Mrs. Weller. 'Benighted man! said the Reverend Mr. Stiggins. 'If I don't get no better light than that 'ere moonshine o' yourn, my worthy creetur, said the elder Mr. Weller, 'it's wery likely as I shall continey to be a night coach till I'm took off the road altogether. Now, Mrs.

Mr. Diggle?" "A friend of mine a friend of the captain. He has arranged everything." "I believe you, matey. He's arranged everything. Supercargo! Well, to be sure! Never a supercargo as I ever knowed but wanted a man to look arter him, fetch and carry for him, so to say. How would I do, if I might make so bold?" "Thanks," said Desmond, smiling as he surveyed the man's huge form.