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"Ah-h! and his friend the young gentleman who laid his hand to ouh plow and put the engine on the track last night?" "He is Mr. Winton a an artist, I believe; at least, that is what I gathered from what Mr. Adams said of him." Mr. Somerville Darrah laughed, a slow little laugh, deep in his chest. "Bless youh innocent soul he a picchuh painteh? Not in a thousand yeahs, my deah Virginia.

"Sir," said he, more softly than before, "give me leave to tell you that the Lady Cleone will not keep her appointment here, to-night." "Ah-h!" said Mr. Chichester slowly, and staring at Barnabas under his drawn brows, "you mean ?" "That she was safe home three-quarters of an hour ago." Mr.

"That's what the creatures are sent us for," said Bernard, in a low voice. "And here are, looming in the distance, all the posse of girls to meet us." "Ah-h!" breathed Angela, withdrawing her arm. "Well, Bear, you have given me something to look forward to, whether it comes to anything or not. It will help me to be thankful.

There was no betrayal of the part Dupre had assigned her, and with a word of parting the canoe swung out to its place, though McIntosh's eyes clung boldly to her beauty so long as he could see her. "Ah-h, a close shave!" thought the trapper as he picked up a splinter and once more fell to upon the boat.

If Brother Paul had appeared as a spectre in the ighloo, it was plain that he looked upon the white face present at the diabolic rite as dream or devil. The Boy stood up. The lay-brother started, and crossed himself. "In Christ's name, what who are you?" "I a I come from the white camp ten miles below." "And you were here you allowed this? Ah-h!"

There was no card before this ninth chair, but on the uncushioned seat lay a square piece of cardboard, bordered with a painted wreath of holly, inscribed on which were four short words. Margaret and Peg read them with a sudden shortening of the breath and smarting of the eyes: "For the Christ Child!" "Ah-h!" Margaret's hand stretched out, seized Peg's, and held it fast.

He's a dare-devil too but he knows where to stop. You couldn't have bribed him to steal that record though somebody played a trick on him the other night robbed him of his oars and a dance just when he had 'taken the bit between his teeth', too; said he was tired of this camouflage business, and he was going going whether I liked it, or not!" "Ah-h!"

He came forward and stood among the others, and abruptly said: "What's this for?" He addressed the mate, who answered with a sidelong look, and none too cordially: "We land passengers by the Company's order." "Those three?" "Yes, the men and the lady." "Who are they?" "Physicians from New York." "Ah-h!" said the man, slowly, making a sighing noise between his teeth. "That means that means "

"If it's about the cook being out of evaporated cream, William, I have already been informed twice. Ah-h! I almost had one then!" "Aw, thunder! yuh think I'm worrying over canned cream? What I want to say may not be more important, but when yuh get fishing enough I'll say it anyhow."

"No, sir, I arn't; 'strue as goodness I arn't." "But you are," cried Aleck, angrily, as he now grasped the full misfortune to his boat not the very full, for he was not aware of the hole in her bottom. "Your fingers are clasped tightly round the rope." "Are they, sir?" "Yes." "'Tarn't my doing then, sir. I hoped and prayed as they might hold on to the last, and I s'pose that's how it is. Ah-h!"