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Updated: August 23, 2024

'A could wish as a'd learned write-of-hand, said she; 'for a've that for to tell Christopher as might set his mind at ease. But yo' see, if a wrote him a letter he couldn't read it; so a just comfort mysel' wi' thinkin' nobody need learn writin' unless they'n got friends as can read.

Thank yo' kindly, missus, but a'll tak' nought to eat; just a drop o' somethin' hot to keep out coud, and wish yo' a' the compliments o' the season. Philip, my man, yo'll not be sorry to be spared t' walk round by Haytersbank such a neet. My missus were i' such a way about Sylvie that a thought a'd just step off mysel', and have a peep at yo' a', and bring her some wraps.

God looked into m' eyes, Wayland, that was it! An' all th' dirt o' me shrivelled up an' th' mud in m' manhood, way yours did when y' looked in her eyes! A needed washin', Wayland, that was it, an' then A saw Him on the Cross as y' see that yon Cross there in the sky. 'Sense o' sin! Man alive, A'd never heard them words till that night." "What night?" asked Wayland, quietly.

"It's an awfu' peety that some men dinna ken when tae stop; they micht see frae the poopit; if a' saw the tears comin' tae the women's een, or the men glowering like wild cats for fear they sud brak doon, a'd say Amen as quick as Pittendreigh aifter his goat. "'We will now study Satan in all his offices and characteristics."

A'm no' a society mon ye ken A'd be usin' the wrong knife to eat wi' an' that would bring the coorp into disrepute." His education had, as a matter of fact, been a remarkable one. From the time he could read, he had absorbed every boy's book that he could buy or borrow.

'A could wish as a'd learned write-of-hand, said she; 'for a've that for to tell Christopher as might set his mind at ease. But yo' see, if a wrote him a letter he couldn't read it; so a just comfort mysel' wi' thinkin' nobody need learn writin' unless they'n got friends as can read.

'What was he like? how old? tell me. 'My lass, a've summut else to do wi' my eyes than go peering into men's faces i' t' dusk light. 'But yo' must have had light for t' judge about the watch. 'Eh! how sharp we are! A'd a candle close to my nose. But a didn't tak' it up for to gaze int' his face. That wouldn't be manners, to my thinking. Hester was silent. Then Darley's heart relented.

One is the bishop! Oh, A guess they were on needles an' pins for fear o' what A'd do! A'd been in the West so long, A didn't know enough not to go shirtsleeves down the streets o' Montreal! Well, been a hot day! 'Twas an evenin' meetin'! All the missionaries to th' Indians were givin' experiences.

But o' Thursday t' Resolution, first whaler back this season, came in port, and t' press-gang showed their teeth, and carried off four as good able-bodied seamen as iver I made trousers for; and t' place were all up like a nest o' wasps, when yo've set your foot in t' midst. They were so mad, they were ready for t' fight t' very pavin' stones. 'A wish a'd been theere! A just wish a had!

Every fiber in ma body, includin' ma suspenders, is tense wi' rage an' horror." "A cigar, Tam?" "No, thank ye, sir-r," said Tam, waving aside the proffered case and extracting two cigars in one motion. "Well, perhaps A'd better. A've run oot o' seegairs, an' the thoosand A' ordered frae ma Glasgae factor hae been sunk by enemy action this is no' a bad seegair, Captain Blackie, sir-r.

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