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Ils ne les voient qu'a travers les prejuges, et je ne fache aucun etat ou l'on en ait tant." Providence, Jan. 29. We are now quite domesticated here, though in a very miserable way, without fire, and with our mattresses, on the boards; but we nevertheless adopt the spirit of the country, and a total absence of comfort does not prevent us from amusing ourselves.

And, continued Arnold, "Well and nobly has he kept that oath." "His" continued the same speaker "was the eloquence of Mirabeau, which in the Tiers Etat and in the National Assembly made to totter the throne of France; it was the eloquence of Danton, who made all France to tremble from his tempestuous utterances in the National Convention.

At the same moment a man, dressed much in the style of a marketman, with his hat pulled down over his eyes, seized me by the other arm, and said, "Yes, yes; tell her over and over again that it will not be with these States as with the others, which produced no good to the people; that the nation is too enlightened in 1789 not to make something more of them; and that there will not now be seen a deputy of the 'Tiers Etat' making a speech with one knee on the ground; tell her this, do you hear?"

The scheme was a big one; it purposed setting up a new state in the heart of the État du Congo, on territory filched from that power; but the little sailor was in deadly earnest over the project, and already he had met with extraordinary luck in the initial stages. Central Africa is a country where determined coups de main can sometimes yield surprising results.

You've let your company simply go to seed. Don't try and explain. I've told all those lies myself in my time. It's only idleness. I know. Come and lunch with me to-morrow and I'll give you a wrinkle or two in barracks." He turned to me. "Suppose we pick up Vee's defeated legion and go home. You'll dine with us to-night. Good-bye, Ramsay. Yes, you're en etat de partir, right enough.

In reality, the treuga Dei, like the league started under Louis le Gros for the defence against both the robberies of the nobles and the Norman invasions, was a thoroughly popular movement. Ferrari, i. 152, 263, etc. Perrens, Histoire de Florence, i. 188; Ferrari, l.c., i. 283. Aug. Thierry, Essai sur l'histoire du Tiers Etat, Paris, 1875, p. 414, note.

But France was to hear from the Tiers État again! In 1356, Edward's son, the Black Prince, won a still greater victory than Crécy, at Poitiers, in which king John was captured and carried to London. But Edward found that, while victories were comparatively easy, conquest was difficult. A generation had passed since the war began. So in 1360 both kingdoms were ready to consider terms of peace.

It was wittily, if somewhat bitterly, said by D'Alembert, "Un etat de vapeur etait un etat tres facheux, parcequ'il nous faisait voir les choses comme elles sont." I find men victims of illusion in all parts of life. Children, youths, adults, and old men, all are led by one bawble or another.

What number of commissioned and non-commissioned officers in a company of foot, or in a troop of horse or dragoons? N. B. Noncommissioned officers are all those below ensigns and cornets. What is the daily pay of a Saxon foot soldier, dragoon, and trooper? What are the several ranks of the 'Etat Major-general'? N. B. The Etat Major-general is everything above colonel.

The story is told that the official at Briancon on receiving him, sent to headquarters a formal receipt couched in these terms: "Recu un pape, en fort mauvais etat."