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A rising vote of thanks was accorded her and the address ordered printed in the minutes. The State Prohibition convention placed a strong woman suffrage plank in its platform and the delegates to the national convention were instructed to vote for one if it was offered. Mr. Witham, the Rev. James A. Gordon and Mr. Barker, editor of The Southern Star, worked faithfully for this plank.

Jack and I'll go with you. It won't do any harm, just to walk through a mill." And he added, laughing, "You know we've been in there once before. Remember the night we told you of?" John Ellison looked serious. "Yes," he replied, "and there was something queer about that, too, wasn't there? You said father went through the mill, upstairs and down, just the same as Witham does often now."

Witham herself waiting with several men and boys carrying parcels, and an upholsterer's man with a bed in a car, for she said, though tables and chairs might be all very well, a bed that hadn't been aired for mayhap fifty years was not proper for young bones to lie on.

Was it not this Order which had first been established in my own Somerset, and alone of all Orders in England by a Saint, and which there at Witham and at Hinton, still so fair and lovely, built its first two houses in England, of which all told there were but twelve?

Witham, 'an old devil, and sitting on a chair by the fireside! Take care, sir! take care! There's many a true word spoken in jest. 'How do you mean? Pon my word I don't understand. 'An old devil! The old devil, perhaps. There! sir, you needn't laugh, for Malcolmson had broken into a hearty peal. 'You young folks thinks it easy to laugh at things that makes older ones shudder.

Silas Marner, edited by R. Adelaide Witham, in Standard English Classics. The same novel, in Pocket Classics, etc. Carlyle. Essay on Burns, edited by C.L. Hanson, in Standard English Classics, and Heroes and Hero Worship, edited by A. MacMechan, in Athenaeum Press Series. Various other inexpensive editions, in Pocket Classics, Eclectic English Classics, etc. Ruskin.

Theodora and Ellen were eager to go and do the cooking at the camp; but grandmother knew that an older woman of greater experience was needed in such an emergency, and had that morning sent urgent word to Olive Witham, "Aunt Olive," as we called her, who was always our mainstay in times of trouble at the old farm.

"Looks just like the elephant at the circus," he cried. "Sh-h-h, he'll hear you," whispered Bess Thornton. Colonel Witham was certainly doing himself proud. A new thrill of life went through him. He thought of those races and the medals. It was an unfortunate recollection, for it instilled new ambitions within him.

Guess some of these spindle-legged city chaps wouldn't make much of a go at that. I've got the old machine out in the shed there, somewhere. Like to see it?" "I know where it is," said Bess Thornton. "I can ride it." "You ride it!" exclaimed Colonel Witham, staring at her in amazement. "What?" "Yes," replied the girl; "but only down hill, though. It's too hard to push on the level.

And at this moment, most opportunely, there appeared up the road the line of bicyclists returning. They were down at the shore shortly Tom Harris, Bob White, George, Arthur and Joe Warren just as Little Tim emerged from the shed, with an armful of rope. "Here, you catch hold," he said, "while I make fast to the colonel." The next moment, he was overboard, swimming alongside Colonel Witham.