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The vaquero, however, assisted by Guapo who, being an Indian, was less troubled with them gave them a very rough handling with a large whip which he carried; and then, securing the whole of them, tied them together in a bunch, and left them at the back of the hut to snap and growl at each other, which they did throughout the livelong night.

"He say nothing, the patron that we cross the sheep to the west of the river, Señorita?" "No. Not lately. I don't know why he should want to. The feed is good here." "I have this morning talk with the vaquero Corlees. He tell me that the South Fork is dry up." "John Corliss is not usually interested in our sheep," said the girl. "No. Of the sheep he knows nothing." And the old herder smiled.

All hands, even the saturnine Guapo, laughed loudly at the counterfeit, and the vaquero himself was heard to chuckle through the long wool upon the breast. He did not lose time, however, but instantly prepared to set off. He needed no other preparation than to get hold of his bolas, that was his favourite weapon. Before going farther, I shall tell you what sort of weapon it is.

Another at this moment came to the ground which gave courage to the first and this at length stalked boldly on the hide, and began to tear at it with his great beak. A movement was now perceived on the part of the vaquero the hide "lumped" up, and at the same time the wings of the condor were seen to play and flap about as if he wanted to rise into the air, but could not.

"The vaquero was often absent from home his business with his cattle carrying him to a great distance into the woods. But his wife thought nothing of being thus left alone. She was an Indian woman, and used to dangers, such as would terrify the females that live in great cities.

Thet's why Pat Hawe thinks Gene plugged the strange vaquero who was with little Bonita thet night last fall. Wal, Gene's scrappin' now jest to git shot up hisself, for some reason thet only God Almighty knows." Nels's story of how Stewart wept over his horse influenced Madeline powerfully. Her next move was to persuade Alfred to see if he could not do better with this doggedly bent cowboy.

The vaquero, however, assisted by Guapo who, being an Indian, was less troubled with them gave them a very rough handling with a large whip which he carried; and then, securing the whole of them, tied them together in a bunch, and left them at the back of the hut to snap and growl at each other, which they did throughout the live-long night.

His palm-thatched rancho, or cottage, stood at a little distance from the bank of the river, at a point where it was much infested by caimans as the country around was wild and thinly settled. The vaquero had a wife and one child, a daughter who was about six or seven years old; and being a pretty little girl, and the only one, she was of course very dear to both the parents.

There had also been a quarrel between Dick Shipley, her mill foreman, and Miguel, her ablest and most trusted vaquero, and in her strict sense of impartial justice she was obliged to side on the merits of the case with Shipley against her oldest retainer. This troubled her, as she knew that with the Mexican nature, fidelity and loyalty were not unmixed with quick and unreasoning jealousy.

And no one would dare interfere for poor Pilar, for she has committed a mortal sin against the Church " "I'll interfere. Where is the cave?" "Ay, señor, I knew you would. For that I told you all. I know not where the cave is; but the vaquero he is in town till to-morrow. But he fears Doña Erigida, señor, as he fears the devil.