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And when she came to the pear-tree, she heard Francisca's voice, and it say to some one she see not, 'Fly! vamos! some one have come. And then she come at the moment upon Francisca, very white and trembling, and alone. And Francisca she have run away and say nossing, and shut herself in her room.

"The hunt's over," said Franklin, looking at the dead animals. "We've enough for us all." "Yes, sir," said Curly, "we shore got meat, and got it plenty sudden. Juan, vamos, pronto!" He made signs showing that he wished the Mexican to skin and dress the buffalo, and the latter, as usual, proceeded to give immediate and unhesitating obedience.

Castro muttered, "Vamos," and began clumsily to climb the ladder, like a bale of rags being hauled from above. Carlos placed his foot on the steps, preparing to follow him. He turned his head round towards me, his hand extended, a smile upon his lips. "Juan," he said, "let us not quarrel.

La amable, la hermosa Matilde, me corresponde, no lo dude usted, y está en el secreto, y.... DON PEDRO. Tanto mejor, amigo mío, y ahora vamos a ver, porque, con el permiso de usted, la haré llamar; en presencia de usted consultaremos su gusto y su voluntad. DON EDUARDO. No deseo otra cosa, y cuanto más pronto.... DON PEDRO. Ahora mismo.... ¿Bruno?

"Vamos Inglesito," shouted Sevilla in a voice of thunder; "answer the monro in the crabbed Gitano." I answered the robber, for such he was, and one, too, whose name will live for many a year in the ruffian histories of Madrid; I answered him in a speech of some length, in the dialect of the Estremenian Gypsies. "I believe it is the crabbed Gitano," muttered Balseiro.

Half way down the lane Cranston was hit. He sank to his knees, and from there lopped over sideways to his left elbow. In the darkness his voice could be heard, for the firing had momentarily ceased. "They've got me, Soapy. Run for it. I'll hold 'em back." "Hit bad, Bill?" "I'm all in. Vamos!" Stone turned to run, and for the first time saw that his retreat was cut off.

She meant to lay the hands together, as she remembered her mother's had been laid long ago in the stricken gloom of the Kansas farmhouse which had been her home; but suddenly there was a movement at her feet, and she stopped, having stumbled over some living thing in the shadows of the couch, something that stirred and struggled and gasped passionately, "Vamos! Vamos!"

Her ears moved back and forth as she stood there biding some word from him. Then, "Vamos, amigos!" he shouted, and sprang on the mare's back. He leaned far forward as she leaped down the bed of the ravine. Three-Fingered Jack took advantage of the moment of confusion that followed to mount his own horse, and half the rangers followed him across the grass ridge firing as they went.

DON EDUARDO. Y Malvina, y Etelvina, y Coralina, y otras mil víctimas desaventuradas de la injusticia paterna, a quienes han enterrado con palma por andarse en miramientos. Conque vamos Matilde mía, ¿qué resuelve usted? Mire usted que cada instante se pierde.... DOÑA MATILDE. No lo que haga ... salirse una así de su casa sin.... DON EDUARDO. Pues si no, ¿qué otro camino tenemos?

You'll find the air in the mountains more salubrious than here; in fact vamos, as the Spaniards say. Go to Padre Antonio's house at once," he continued. "It's a sort of a sanctuary, you know; you'll be safe there to-day. If you value your life, don't set foot outside the place, and I'd even be chary about picking flowers in the garden," he added in his droll way.