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I could, I think, make a neat thing of this, obnoxious to ridicule perhaps; what then! The author of Ma Sœur Anne was a clever man, and his tale will remain popular in spite of all gibes and flouts soever. So Vamos Caracci! If it was not for the trifling and dawdling peculiar to this country, I should have time enough, but their trifling with time is the devil. I will try to engage Mr.

"Why, of course," he replied, "I wouldn't be onderstood that Peets is terrorised outright. Still, old Colonel Coyote shore stampedes him an' forces Peets to fly. It's either vamos or shoot up pore Coyote; an' as Peets couldn't do the latter, his only alternative is to go scatterin' as I states. "This yere Coyote has a camp some ten miles to the no'th an' off to one side of the trail to Tucson.

"Son, this sonnet brings down mem'ries; and they so stirs me I has to vamos that hurdygurdy to keep my emotions from stampedin' into tears. Shore, thar's soft spots in me the same as in oilier gents; an' that melody a-makin' of references to the old Jones an' Plummer days comes mighty clost to meltin' everything about me but my guns an' spurs.

I betche he's cached in the hills right now, watching his chance." "Oh, go to hell, the whole lot of yuh!" flared Andy, rising to an elbow. "What the dickens are yuh roosting around here for? Why don't yuh go on out to camp where yuh belong? You're a nice bunch to set around comforting the sick! Vamos, darn yuh!"

The Emperor "Then what the devil did you come for?" "Save the desire of offering our grateful acknowledgments to the lord of a realm which " The Emperor "Oh, d n the Address! read it to the police. Chamberlain, take these people over to my brother, the Grand Duke's, and give them a square meal. Adieu! I am happy I am gratified I am delighted I am bored. Adieu, adieu vamos the ranch!

'Pause where you be, my proud Castilian, an' I'll flood your darkened ignorance with light by nacherally readin' this yere inscription to you a whole lot. "Tharupon Billy reads off the notice a heap impressive, an' winds up by commandin' of the Mexican to line out on the trail back. "'Vamos! says Billy. 'Which if you insists on pushin' along through yere I'll turn in an' crawl your hump some.

At intervals soft-footed natives came in, and I was never certain whether it was to slay me or to get some of their stores. Once a figure blocked out the starlight at one of the windows, and I heard a rustling and shuffling on the shelf where my food tins were piled. So I said, "Sigue! Vamos!" and the figure disappeared.

"Hey! black boys!" said the captain, in a dialect of his own; "you sabe, catchy boat and vamos back same place quick." They saw him point to themselves, the sloop and Coralio. "Yas, yas!" they cried, with broader grins and many nods. The four Don Sabas, the two officers and the captain moved to quit the sloop.

"Tommie, vamos," hinted Briscoe gently, and as soon as the cook had disappeared, he repeated his monosyllable: "Well?" "It didn't come off," muttered the other sulkily. "Just what I expected. Why not?" Struve broke into a string of furious oaths. "Because I missed him missed him twice, when he was standing there naked before me.

He leaned forward and examined the trail for wheel marks. "By Jinks! Pinto," he muttered, "the old man and the girl is shore hittin' the trail hard for that there death-bed. I'll bet that pore girl's tired, for they must have made a short camp last night. Vamos, caballo!" and so he spurred on to the northward along the hot low flats.