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Doulenques," the President said suavely, "that your lodger, Gurn, often received visits from a lady friend. You also said that if this lady were placed before you, you would certainly recognise her. Now will you kindly look at the lady in the box: is this the same person?" Mme.

And he was breathless with excitement; when he reached the small editorial chamber at the top of a dark, narrow flight of stairs, wherein sat the autocratic Snawley, smiling suavely over a heap of letters and disordered MSS. He glanced at the card which his ink-smeared attendant presented him. "Ah, indeed!" he said condescendingly. "Lovelace Lovelace?

"The boatswain is badly hurt, Mr. Barry," he said suavely, "and as you are such a good surgeon, perhaps you will leave this damned kanaka and attend to him." Barry turned on him with a subdued fierceness. "I'll attend to the scoundrel presently, Captain Rawlings, though he doesn't deserve it. He is a downright sweep like all his ear-ringed kidney.

David twisted his chair a little more to the right and out from the desk. "You think it c'n run along, do ye?" he asked suavely. "I'm glad to have your views on the subject. Wa'al, I guess it kin, too, until to-morro' at four o'clock, an' after that you c'n settle with lawyer Johnson or the sheriff." The man uttered a disdainful laugh. "I guess it'll puzzle ye some to c'lect it," he said. Mr.

"Yes, me berry kind my peeple," suavely responded the chief, a just pride beaming in his eyes. "That young man no family yet only squaw now." "It is evident that the average Indian doesn't understand a joke," muttered La Salle, as he said "Good by" to the motley trio, and darted off to meet a distant group, which he rightly judged to be the expected boys.

The two were now not twelve inches apart, and the Englishman read that involuntary tension of the muscles aright, for there is a palsy of rage as of fear. "I have some acquaintance with the savate," he said suavely. "Please take my word for it, and you will be spared an injury. A moment ago you offered to treat me like a gentleman.

Hear our modest tales of romance, and then award the prize as you may deem it just." The lady passenger smiled sweetly. The apple lay in her lap beneath her robes and wraps. She reclined against her protecting bulwark, brightly and cosily at ease. But for the voices and the wind one might have listened hopefully to hear her purr. Someone cast fresh logs upon the fire. Judge Menefee nodded suavely.

"Gentlemen," said he, suavely, "the Calvary Presbyterian Church, like most of its neighbors, has rather hard work to get along, financially. Its income is not at all equal to its expenditures. The consequence is we generally stand on the debtor side of the ledger. As probably you know, there is a mortgage on the church of four thousand dollars.

And Maule suavely encouraged him to lay down the law on things Australian, while Lady Bridget withdrew into herself, baffling and enraging McKeith still more hopelessly. He did not seem now to know his wife! A catastrophe had happened. What? How? Why? .... Nothing was the same, or could be the same again. It was a relief when dinner was over. The men pulled out their pipes in the veranda.

I'll get you a parole to-morrow if you'll give me a quit-claim to your claim." "How can I give you a quit-claim?" inquired Denver defiantly, "a convict can't give title to anything!" "Just give me your word then," suggested Murray suavely and Denver laughed in his face. "You glass-eyed old dastard," he burst out contemptuously, "I know what you're up to, too well.