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What was they?" "Gent'men in business, people with money leastways we thought it was money till everything smashed up, and then seemingly it was jes' paper all sorts. Why, there was 'undreds of thousands of them. There was millions. I've seen that 'I Street there regular so's you couldn't walk along the pavements, shoppin' time, with women and people shoppin'."

"That kiddie is just crazy with happiness so's Millie. Guess she'll be down along after awhile, when she's quit fooling with him in his bath." Steve breathed deeply, and his far gazing eyes rested unblinkingly upon the sunset of a myriad hues. The reek of tobacco hung upon the still air, and the light veil of smoke from the "smudge" sailed gently across the view beyond the veranda.

Beets are a paying crop, and don't cost much To raise; so's cabbage, pumpkins, squash, and such; They'll always sell and bring you back your money No bees? The mischief! What d'ye do for honey? Sir, let me tell you plainly you're an ass Just look at those ten acres gone to grass! Put turnips in 'em. Timothy don't pay Can't cattle feed on anything but hay?

One finger after another he screwed up, and then went over them again to make certain they were secure. "I knowed he'd come," Mattie said, happily. "Um!... This here's kind of untoward. You keep your mouth shet, Mattie Strong. Don't you go near that feller till I tell you. We don't want a rumpus to spoil this here week." "But he's here.... He's here." "So's trouble," said Scattergood, succinctly.

Some time later Hope came tearing across the field, with hair flying, and her eyes filled with alarm, calling shrilly, "Gail, Faith, the hens have broken out of the yard and are eating the poisoned grain! There are more than a dozen down there now!" "Oh, dear," cried Peace, with guilty conscience, "I scratched the corn out of the holes so's I could watch the gophers die.

Ain't goin' to railroad no more, goin' into the real estate business. He's got money, so's his wife daffool he didn't quit long ago." "If 'Scar Face' Hopkins puts that clock over his desk and trusts 'Her Eyes, he'll get rich," thought I. Perhaps, though, those eyes don't reach the soul of "Scar Face" Hopkins; perhaps he don't see them change as I did; men are conceited that way.

Her pony's gone to sleep with his nose between his knees; an' the Caldwell beauty settles herse'f in the saddle so's to be ready for the plunge she knows is comin'. The Caldwell beauty lays out her game as slow an' delib'rate as trees; Bloojacket lookin' on with onwinkin' eye, while the red-blanket bucks plays along an' never a whisper of interest.

"He's got to make ye all over agin so's you'll be fitten fer him." He turned away without looking to see how deep his barbed shaft went and, startled, June flushed to her hair. In a few minutes they were gone Dave without the exchange of another word with June, and Loretta with a parting cry that she would come back on Saturday.

"Folks cannot have alway what they would," said Alice, "But you know, neighbour, Bessy Foulkes is one of us." "Well, what then? So's Master Clere." Alice made no answer. "What mean you, Alice Mount? Master Clere's a Gospeller, and has been this eight years or more." "I did not gainsay it, Meg." "Nay, you might not gainsay it, but you looked as if you would if you opened your mouth."

Then there wuz some of the women of the court, fine ladies, all silk, and ribbons, and embroideries, and paint, and powder, a leanin' back in their cushioned arm-chairs, a wantin' to have the colonies taxed still further so's to have more money to buy lace with and artificial flowers.