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The route crossed ridge after ridge with steep grades, and the handling of the heavy sled alone was too much for me. Again and again it was overturned, and it was all that I could do, and more than I ought to have done, to set it up again. The wind continued to blow with violence, and shelter from it there was none. One hillside struggle I shall always remember.

He stood looking at me a long time; then he slipped the collar over his head and came trotting back, innocent as a lamb, without the sled. There seemed to be nothing to do but to crawl to the sled, so I started, with Kaiser tagging behind and not saying a word. I think he felt he had done wrong, but did not know exactly how.

"H'yar comes the fust dog sled in from the No'th," he cried. "That's the sour doughs for yuh! He's comin' right!" They could hear the faint snarls and barks of dogs yelping far down the cañon. Then the noise swelled up again and drowned the alien sounds.

The boys had just drawn in their decoys, and loaded their sled with the birds taken from the boat, besides three geese and a brent, which they had shot during his absence. The other boats had already landed, and been drawn in far up on the ice. Regnar did not know if the centre-wheel had got anything, but Davies and Creamer had four geese, five brent, and a black duck.

"I shall remember. Good night." An hour later Dale walked into the Black Cat Tavern and made a ruinous bargain with Tate for the use of his horse and sled for an indefinite time. "I'm going up into the woods," he explained, "I may be gone a week, a month, I cannot tell; when I reach Camp 7, I'll send your rig back." "Going to join Filmer, maybe?" Tate's little eyes rolled in their cushions of fat.

Indeed, the horses had left a very good road, and by sitting well back on my odd sled, so that the board would not plow up the snow, it was not at all hard for Kaiser to draw me. We were soon near enough to the town, so that I began to tremble for fear of being seen.

He roared again till the sled dogs turned fearful glances backward and bushy tails drooped under the weight of their fright. Great noise came oftenest with great rage from Pierre, and they had too frequently felt the both to forget. "Yes, you haven't the mentality. Sometime you'll use up your physical resources and go to pieces like a burned wick." Pierre was greatly amused.

A number of boys came forward. "Who's going with Bert and me?" asked Charley, and several others stepped forward. "Go ahead, if you want to come in last!" sneered Danny, as he got his sled in place. "I'll tell 'em you're coming, Bert." "All right," was the cool answer. "Get in, boys!" Soon both sleds were filled, and all was ready for the big race the first of the season.

She was unpinning her shawl composedly, as one sure of a welcome. "How do, Cyrus? Jim Thomas took me up jest beyond the depot, an' give me a lift on his sled; but I was all of a shiver, an' at the corner, I told him he better let me step down an' walk. So I come the rest o' the way afoot an' alone. You ain't goin' to use the oven, be ye? I'll jest stick my feet in a minute.

Marian fancied she could hear the chop-chop of his frothing jaws. Then, suddenly came catastrophe. With the mad perversity of his kind, her sled deer, suddenly turning from his position beside the sled, whirled about in a wide, sweeping circle which threatened to overturn her sled and leave her alone, defenseless against the hungry pack. It was a terrible moment.