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Dost thou think that I am one to let my daughter marry before she can hem? Thank God we have more sense than our mothers! No child of mine shall marry at fifteen. Now listen thou shalt be locked in a dark room if I am kept awake again by that hobo serenading at thy window. To-morrow, when thou goest to church, take care that thou throwest him no glance. Dios de mi alma! I am worn out!

Tanberry for presuming to think she needed to be warned against the charms of this serenading lady-killer, who was the property of another girl. "You must keep him away, I think," ventured Mrs. Tanberry, gently. At that Betty turned to her and said, sharply: "I will. After this, please let us never speak of him again." A slow nod of the other's turbaned head indicated the gravest acquiescence.

I don't know whether he expected Bluebell would open the window and enter into conversation; but, in point of fact, the lattice under which he was serenading was Mrs. Rolleston's, who not particularly expecting any lovers, was sleeping the sleep of the just far too soundly to be disturbed by it.

'I saw it with satisfaction, for I was at the window, and I recognised the Count's voice at once. What do you think, my friend? Will that young gentleman come serenading again? 'How can I tell? Tommaso was by this time a little short of breath. 'You might have heard your two gentlemen say something about it, Cucurullo said. 'Am I walking too fast for you?

But if he had seen her face as she listened to the soft wailing of his flute he would not have been so sure, for she looked as cunning as a magpie as she said, with a scornful sniff: 'Pooh, you can't deceive me; I know Dick is serenading Sophy Wackles.

J. Briggs, a young and vociferous gentleman, fresh from college, given to Sunday evening lecturing, Corn Exchange serenading, virtuous speech-making, and other we were going to say evils labours of love, appeared upon the stage.

It was a sublime picture, Pancho," he said, sitting up again suddenly, "and have kill the bull before our friend Pepe's sword have touch even the bone of hees back and make feenish of him." "Look here, Enriquez," I said bluntly, "have you been serenading that girl?" He shrugged his shoulders without the least embarrassment, and said: "Ah, yes. What would you? It is of a necessity."

The plaintiff, unfortunately, was unable to be present at either of the trials. The refusal of the companies to give him the 18,000 pounds had placed him in a position of most painful pecuniary embarrassment. Indeed, a few months after the murder of Helen Abercrombie, he had been actually arrested for debt in the streets of London while he was serenading the pretty daughter of one of his friends.

Soon after the second hour of night, which we should call about ten o'clock in June, Stradella and Ortensia heard music in the narrow street below their new quarters; and as the sounds did not move farther away, it was almost immediately apparent that the singers were serenading Ortensia.

"That may be," I replied, "but it is distinctly unpleasant just now." He laughed, saying the fight would be only a skirmish at the most, and not worth considering. "Are you going to stay with us?" I asked. "Oh no," said he; "this is only a run ashore, just to stretch my legs a bit, you know. They get cramped on board ship. By George, those fellows intend serenading us till daybreak.