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"He's bes' joke yet," Strong remarked through Rex's fingers. "He's go'n' kill himself," and he kissed the restraining hand gallantly. The two sober citizens turned and stared at the gentlemen. He looked it. He looked as if there could be no step deeper into the gloom which enveloped him, except suicide. He nodded darkly as the two regarded him. "Uh-huh. Life's failure. Lost cuff-button.

Frau von Sigmundskron glanced at him once or twice and noticed his expression, and his resolution to look straight before him. Had she possessed Rex's penetration, she would have guessed what was passing in his mind. As it was, she vaguely suspected that he had not altogether given up his plan, and the thought made her uneasy.

But there came an end to Rex's patience. One morning, when they were sitting over their coffee out of doors, Mr Blumenthal walked into their midst. He wore an old flannel shirt, and trousers too tight for him, inadequately held up by a strap.

Rex's partner stoutly denied the accusation, and old Baffaty, who was a man of merciful tendencies, and could well afford to lose fifty pounds, gave him until the next morning to confess, and state where the goods had gone, hinting at the persuasive powers of a constable at the end of that time. The shopman, with tears in his eyes, came in a hurry to Rex, and informed him that all was lost.

I came of my own free will. Don't be angry with yourself, Rex; it is as much my fault as yours." "You are a little brick, Norah," said a husky voice, and Rex's hand gripped hers with a quick, strong pressure. "I never thought a girl could be so plucky. I'll not forget " He broke off suddenly, and Norah's voice was very unsteady as she asked the next question

'Fill before drinking! laughed Greif. Rex's hand trembled, as he set down the goblet. The mistake was rectified in an instant and Rex drank the baroness's health. This time as he looked at her, he saw her white hair and delicate thin face in all their reality. The shadow was gone. He had pledged its emptiness in an empty glass.

In Rex's nature the shame was immediate, and overspread like an ugly light all the hurrying images of what might come, which thrust themselves in with the idea that Gwendolen was again free overspread them, perhaps, the more persistently because every phantasm of a hope was quickly nullified by a more substantial obstacle.

Thereupon Rex's stony eyes had expressed something as nearly like astonishment as they were capable of showing, for he was surprised at being found out, almost for the first time in his life, and he perceived that Greif had not found him out alone. 'I am sorry that she should think me capable of disliking her, Rex answered.

Runaway team behind you!" he exclaimed suddenly, darting forward and calling out the words almost in Rex's ear. At the same instant he flung the piece of coal he had picked up straight into the window of the Chinese laundry. There was a crash of glass and Rex, connecting the sound with the warning he had received, immediately took to his heels.

Suddenly, the solemn bells from Rex's home commenced tolling, and through the leafy branches of the trees she caught a glimpse of a white face and bowed head, and of a proud, cold face bending caressingly over it, just as she had pictured it in her imagination. Dear Heaven! it was Rex and Pluma! She did not moan. She did not cry out, nor utter even a sigh.