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In the morning, and after dinner, and before sunset, she came every day to the little garden under the west wall of the manor, and looked long toward the road not that she wished Sir Raymond back, nor that she cared when Gilbert came, but she well knew that the return of either would mean that the fighting was over, and that Sir Arnold, too, would be at leisure to go home.

And the singer looked up into the eager eyes bent on her and sighed a little as she struck the final chords. Out on the verandah Raymond frowned as he watched them and wondered if this woman was to come between them and take his friend from him.

Bonner resided in one of the handsomest houses in Cherryvale, and was himself the handsomest boy in the crowd. Besides, he had more than once looked at Missy with soft eyes the girls "teased" Missy about Raymond. It was fitting that Raymond should receive the first billet doux.

McPherson was ordered at daylight to move on Clinton, ten miles from Jackson; Sherman was notified of my determination to capture Jackson and work from there westward. He was ordered to start at four in the morning and march to Raymond. McClernand was ordered to march with three divisions by Dillon's to Raymond. One was left to guard the crossing of the Big Black.

Edward at once did so, and Gaston and Raymond followed him, their agile, cat-like movements being as circumspect as those of the leader himself. What they saw as they peeped down into the heart of the dell was a welcome spectacle indeed.

She could not divine, that the breach which she had occasioned between Raymond and Perdita was already irreparable: but she knew, that under the present system it would be widened each day, and that its result must be to destroy her lover's happiness, and to implant the fangs of remorse in his heart.

Raymond could not resist these signs of distress: he felt perhaps somewhat ashamed of the part he acted of the injured man, he who was in truth the injurer.

"And what a singular circumstance that chickens baked in a pie should sing like blackbirds," remarked Grandma Elsie. "Very indeed!" said Capt. Raymond. "I move that some one prepare an article on the subject for one of the leading magazines." "No one better qualified for the task than yourself, sir," said his brother-in-law, Mr. Lester Leland.

Raymond saw that he had rushed into a pitfall of his own making he was entirely in his opponent's hands and like the mean cur he was, immediately began to sue for forgiveness and terms of peace. "Hush!" he cried, glancing at the door. "Don't say any more, the servants might hear. I'm very sorry I did it, but you know how it was; I was pushed for money, I say, you haven't told any one, have you?"

Stern came second to bat. In Ken's mind this player was recorded with a weakness on low curves. And Ken found it with two balls pitched. Stern popped up to Blake. Frick, a new player to Ken, let a strike go by, and missed a drop and a fast ball. "They can't touch you, Ken," called Raymond, as he tossed aside his glove.