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"What about next Thursday?" said his friend, turning to Mrs. Norton. "Yes; that will suit me. Where shall we go?" "There are a lot of partridge and a few hares, I'm told, near the tank at Marwa, where there is a good deal of cultivation," answered Raymond.

When the Hercules of the Franks, as Raymond was called, had submitted to this humiliation, he was admitted to the imperial presence, swore fealty to the Byzantine empire as Prince of Antioch, and became the vassal of the emperor Manuel.

Such was the case with poor Will Raymond; and new comfort dawned on the widow's heart as she remarked his untiring efforts, not only to cheer her, but to aid, by such labour as he was able to perform, in their mutual maintenance.

Folks used to figger you was Helen's steady comp'ny, but it don't look as much so as it did. He, he! That's why I asked you how you liked the Raymond one. Eh? How do you, Al? Helen, SHE seems to like him fust-rate. He, he, he!" Albert was conscious of a peculiar feeling, partly of irritation at Issachar, partly something else. Mr. Price crowed delightedly. "Hi!" he chortled.

A pony was always at the service of each, and lessons in the art of sitting and managing it were given them, now by Mr. Dinsmore and now by Edward, who was a great admirer of his brother-in-law, Captain Raymond, had become much attached to him, and took a very kindly interest in his children.

When at last there was a free space, she began: "Raymond, I wish to know whether you mean me to be set at naught, and my friends deliberately insulted?" "What?" A gentleman here hurried up with "I'll not detain you a minute."

But whatever you tell me or don't tell me, Raymond pursued, 'there is one thing I see very well that so long as you won't marry a duke Cousin Maria has found means to prevent you from marrying till your sisters have made rare alliances. 'Has found means? Dora repeated, as if she really wondered what was in his thought. 'Of course I mean only through your affection for her.

A month, had passed since Raymond Warde had ridden away with his half- dozen squires and servants to do homage to the Empress Maud.

Raymond was wise in the management of boys, especially such a boy as Russell, and he reported to the teachers, "Let him alone. Conwell is working out his own education, and it isn't worth while to disturb him." His passion for debate and oratory found full scope in the debating societies of the Academy. These welcomed him with open arms.

"Subject to approved terms, we'll take it eh, Harry? on the one condition that Colonel Carrington does not specifically object to me," I said. "Where is the site?" "Green Mountain," answered Raymond Lyle. "As to terms, look over the papers and send in an estimate. Payments, two-thirds cash, interim and on completion, and the balance in shares at your option.