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Quibus hostibus? Nempe eis etc.; Tusc. 3, 37 sed traducis cogitationes meas ad voluptates. Quas? Even when relative and antecedent are in the same sentence the preposition is not often repeated; e.g. Fin. 5, 68 eodem in genere quo illa. AN EIS: an always introduces a question which is not independent, but follows upon a previous question either expressed or implied. Here quibus implies omnibusne.

All that others distribute amongst an infinite number of friends and acquaintance, to their glory and grandeur, I dedicate to the repose of my own mind and to myself; that which escapes thence is not properly by my direction: "Mihi nempe valere et vivere doctus." Now I find my opinions very bold and constant in condemning my own imperfection.

Quid? quasi magnum Nempe diem donas? sed cum lux altera venit, Jam cras hesternum consumpsimus; ecce aliud cras Egerit hos annos, et semper paulum erit ultra. Nam quamvis prope te, quamvis temone sub uno Vertentem sese frustra sectabere canthum. Per.

"Caerula quis stupuit lumina? flavam Caesariem, et madido torquentem cornua cirro? Nempe quod haec illis natura est omnibus una," writes Juvenal of their resemblance to one another. By the year 1411 long strides had been made toward other forms of social, political, religious, and commercial life, due to the German grip upon Europe.

Physica sunt opaca, nempe formata et finita, in quibus Metaphysici veri lumen videmus.” The reasoner who assigns structure or organization as the antecedent of Life, who names the former a cause, and the latter its effect, he it is who pretends to account for life.

In comparison with the books of the upper cornice, these have special meaning, as throughout Byzantine design. "Adverte quod patriarchae et prophetse pinguntur cum rotulis in manibus; quidam vero apostoli cum libris, et quidam cum rotulis. Nempe quia ante Christi adventum fides figurative ostendebatur, et quoad multa, in se implicita erat.

"Omnibus viventibus primordium insit, ex quo et a quo proveniant. Liceat hoc nobis primordium vegetale nominare; nempe substantiam quandam corpoream vitam habentem potentia; vel quoddam per se existens, quod aptum sit, in vegetativam formam, ab interno principio operante, mutari.

No. 185. At vindicta bonum vita jucundius ipsa, Nempe hoc indocti. Chrysippus non dicet idem, nec mite Thaletis Ingenium, dulcique senex vicinus Hymetto, Qui partem adceptae saeva inter vincla Cicutoe Adcusatori nollet dare. Quippe minuti Semper et infirmi est animi exiguique voluptas Ultio. JUV. Sat. xiii. 180.

"Haec nempe supersunt, Quae dominum fallunt, quae prosunt furibus." I love not to know what I have, that I may be less sensible of my loss; I entreat those who serve me, where affection and integrity are absent, to deceive me with something like a decent appearance.

I will sing the God of the two mighty wings. Hosanna to life! Hosanna to death! "Christofori faciem die quacunque tueris, Illa nempe die non morte mala morieris." Saint Christophe has crossed the river. All night long he has marched against the stream. Like a rock his huge-limbed body stands above the water. On his shoulders is the Child, frail and heavy.