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"For God's sake, Sing, what is the matter?" cried von Horn. "Where is Miss Maxon?" "Big blute, he catchem Linee. Tly kill Sing. Head hit tlee. No see any more. Wakee up all glone," moaned the Chinaman as he tried to gain his feet. "Which way did he take her?" urged von Horn. Sing's quick eyes scanned the surrounding jungle, and in a moment, staggering to his feet, he cried, "Look see, klick!

Simultaneously Professor Maxon sprang from his grasp and hurled him back with the superhuman strength of a maniac. "Fool!" he cried. "What would you do? Kill ," and then of a sudden he realized his daughter's presence and the necessity for keeping the origin of the young giant from her knowledge. "I am surprised at you, Dr. von Horn," he continued in a more level voice.

Almost simultaneously Professor Maxon and Sing rushed into the living room to ascertain the cause of the wild alarm, while at the same instant Bududreen's assassins sprang through the door with upraised krisses, to be almost immediately followed by Muda Saffir's six Dyaks brandishing their long spears and wicked parangs. In an instant the little room was filled with howling, fighting men.

As Professor Maxon eyed the man before replying to his abrupt request, von Horn noted a strange and sudden light in the older man's eyes a something which he never before had seen there and which caused an uncomfortable sensation to creep over him a manner of bristling that was akin either to fear or horror, von Horn could not tell which.

A week later, with failing health and shattered nerves, Professor Maxon sailed with his daughter for a long ocean voyage, which he hoped would aid him in rapid recuperation, and permit him to forget the nightmare memory of those three horrible days and nights in his workshop.

It was such that Number Thirteen faced as he emerged from the professor's apartment. "What do you want here?" he said, addressing Number Twelve, who stood a little in advance of the others. "We have come for Maxon," growled the creature. "We have been penned up long enough. We want to be out here. We have come to kill Maxon and you and all who have made us what we are."

He was but an adult child, with the brain and brawn of a man, and the ignorance and inexperience of the new-born. And so he acted as a child acts, in imitation of what it has seen others do. The brute had been carrying the lovely creature, therefore that must be the thing for him to do, and so he stooped and gathered Virginia Maxon in his great arms.

It is horrible," and his mind pictured the fearful atrocity which was known as Number One. Without a word he turned and left the campong. A moment later Sing's knock aroused Professor Maxon from the reverie into which he had fallen, and he stepped to the trap door to receive his evening meal.

Slowly the color mounted to the neck and face of the giant then suddenly it receded, leaving him as ashen as death. His great hand gripped the stock of the bull whip. A single blow was all that would have been needed to silence Professor Maxon forever. There was murder in the wounded heart.

If you chance to be an alumnus of Cornell you may recall Professor Arthur Maxon, a quiet, slender, white-haired gentleman, who for several years was an assistant professor in one of the departments of natural science.