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And be sure, he carries every word of our conversation to the perfidious Palmerston, his uncle." "I will beard him in his den," thought Jools. "I will meet him corps-a-corps the tyrant of Europe shall suffer through his nephew, and I will shoot him as dead as Dujarrier."

Munseer Jools was not over well funnisht with pocket-money, and so his pleasure was of the gratis sort cheafly. Well, one day as he and a friend was taking their turn among the aristoxy under the Quadrant they were struck all of a heap by seeing But, stop! who WAS Jools's friend? Here you have pictures of both but the Istory of Jools's friend must be kep for another innings.

"Good-by, dear Jools," continued the parson. "I'm in the Lord's haynds, and he's very merciful, which I hope and trust you'll find it out. Good-by!" the schooner swang slowly off before the breeze "good-by!" St.-Ange roused himself. "Posson Jone'! make me hany'ow dis promise: you never, never, never will come back to New Orleans." "Ah, Jools, the Lord willin', I'll never leave home again!"

"Jools," said the West-Floridian, laying his great hand tenderly upon the Creole's shoulder, as they stepped out upon the banquette, "do you think you have any shore hopes of heaven?" "Yass!" replied St.-Ange; "I am sure-sure. I thing everybody will go to heaven.

"Now if they weren't any folks on this here earth, I reckon silver and gold and precious jools wouldn't be worth any more than rocks and mud and gravel, eh? Why, even if they weren't no folks, water would be worth more to this here world than gold. Water makes things grow and and keeps a fella from gettin' thirsty. And mud makes things grow, too, but I dunno what rocks are for.

She should have wealth, an' honors, an' titles, an' dignities, an' jools, an' gims, all powered pell-mell into her lap; an' all the power, glory, moight, majisty, an' dominion av the impayrial Spanish monarchy should be widin the grasp av her little hand. What say ye, me fair one?"

His six years of burglary had given him an odd sort of professional pride. "I've half a mind," he said softly. The familiar expression on his face was not lost on Spike. "To try for de jools, Mr. Chames?" he asked eagerly. His words broke the spell. Molly resumed her place. The hard look died out of Jimmy's eyes. "No," he said. "Not that. It can't be done." "Yes, it could, Mr. Chames. Dead easy.

Dey had a scrap, each t'inkin' de odder guy was after de jools, an' not knowin' dey was bot' sleut's, an' now one of dem's bin an' taken de odder off, an'" there were tears of innocent joy in Spike's eyes "an' locked him into de coal-cellar." "What on earth do you mean?" Spike giggled helplessly. "Listen, boss. It's dis way. Gee! It beat de band!

"Dere's a loidy here," continued Spike, addressing the chest of drawers, "dat's got a necklace of jools what's wort' a hundred t'ousand plunks. Honest, boss. A hundred t'ousand plunks. Saunders told me dat de old gazebo dat hands out de long woids. I says to him, 'Gee! an' he says, 'Surest t'ing youse know. A hundred t'ousand plunks!" "So I understand," said Jimmy.

He licked his lips and added, "They was beauties an' no mistake." "Big Brazilian gem," he read on. "Eighty thousan' dollars many valuable gems of the first water several thousan' small diamonds well worth forty thousan'." "What you don't know about jools is worth knowin'," Matt smiled good-humouredly. "Theory of the sleuths," Jim read.