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Midway on the ten-mile stretch of plain between Willets and the Two Diamond they turned their backs to the white smother and sent their horses racing headlong away from the storm. "She's a humdinger!" yelled Singleton to Warden as the wind shrieked and howled about them. "If Givens an' Link git them cattle started they'll drift clear into Mexico. Three thousand!

He'll have to play his own hand. Tha's reasonable. But kinda back him up when you get a chance. That notion of lettin' him lick you is a humdinger. Glad you thought of it." "I didn't think of it, an' I ain't thinkin' of it now," Dud retorted. "You blamed old fat skeezicks, you lay around figurin' out ways to make me trouble. You're worse than Mrs. Gillespie for gettin' yore own way. Hmp!

For the young schoolmaster had come up the hill behind her at a breathless gait. "We've got to hurry," he said. "That's going to be what Marty would call a 'humdinger' of a storm, Janice." "Dear me! I didn't know you were in town," she said happily. "We got the last of the hay in this morning," said the bronzed young fellow, smiling.

Where did he come from? WHY was he IN our blackberry patch? Has he really been to see you, and is he courting you in earnest? But of COURSE he is! There's the lilac bush, the lawn-mower, the house to be painted, and a humdinger dress. Is he a millionaire? For Heaven's sake tell me " "Give me some chance! I did meet him in the blackberry patch.

And, say, I guess you're in Dutch, all right; the author's awful mad, and so is Mart. But say, no matter what they do to you, Luck, take it from me, that pit'cher's a humdinger! I like to died a-laughing!"

"What I said was this," he began indignantly. Again there was a roar of laughter. "Say, you fellers, shut up and give a feller a chance. The Captain wants to resign. I say 'No. He is a darned good scout. We want him and we won't let him go. Let him keep his card." "By the powers," roared Macnamara, "it is a goal, Snoopy. It's a humdinger. I second the motion."

A blind man could figger this deal heah.... Big corrals hid behind the gate under us long fence out there to the wash close up any holes on this side of valley then make a humdinger of a drive.... Cowboy, shore's you're born I'm seein' my Arizona ranch right this minnit!" "Reckon I'm seeing things too," agreed Pan in suppressed excitement. "I said once before it's too good to be true.

I been storin' up my kick! And now it's growed to a humdinger! Y've whaled this here boy, and tied up this here girl! His face is cut, and his back is black, and raw, and bleedin'! Wal, it's Tom Barber's turn t' git a hidin'! the worst hidin' a polecat ever did git! So! Where'll y' take it? In this house, 'r outside?"

One by one the others followed him, grinning shamelessly at Luck's helplessness. In a moment he overtook them, wanting the support of their judgment. "The worst of it is," he confessed, after he had explained how he had known the girl since she was a barefooted papoose with the "Bill" show, and he was Indian Agent there; "the worst of it is, she's a humdinger in pictures.

"When we do get a rain here it is usually what the boys call a humdinger," said Rhoda. "Now, let's hurry home." Just as she spoke there sounded a shout behind them. The girls, startled, drew in their horses. The latter began to whinny, and Rhoda said, with satisfaction: "I reckon that's Walter now. The ponies know that horse, anyway."