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Her father did not press the point. As Holway came no more and it became apparent that he was not coming, the captain was satisfied. Gertrude's strange behavior alarmed and troubled him, but his wife's ill health and her worn, weary expression alarmed him more. He was actually frightened concerning her. "Oh, Serena," he begged, "what makes you do it? It isn't worth it. You're killin' yourself.

Like all officers he proceeded to reason with us, and to advise us to serve, presenting no comfort if we still persisted in our course. He informed us of a young Friend, Edward W. Holway of Sandwich, Mass., having been yesterday under punishment in the camp by his orders, who was today doing service about camp.

But though he searched the front part by the road, and the back part by the river, what he sought he could not find the grave of Sergeant Holway, and a memorial bearing the inscription: 'I AM NOT WORTHY TO BE CALLED THY SON. He left the churchyard and made inquiries.

Dan Bassett, of all the contemptible tricks that ever "Bassett's face was redder'n a ripe tomatter. He shakes his fist in Gaius's face and yells opinions and comments. "'Don't you talk to me about tricks, you ward-heeler! he hollers. 'Why did you fetch Mr. Holway back home? Why did you, hey? That was the trickiest trick that I "Gabe pretty nigh broke his mallet thumpin'.

Gertrude herself called from the head of the stairs. "Who is it, Daddy?" she asked. "Someone for me?" "It's er Mr. Holway." "Oh, is it!" The tone was one of delighted surprise. "Ask him to come in, Daddy. I'll be right down." She came almost immediately. She greeted the caller with outstretched hand. "I'm so glad to see you, Mr. Holway," she said. "I was lonely. It was nice of you to come."

"That might be true if these folks were back of you. But are they? Course I ain't any Sherlock Holmes, but it don't look to me like they'd play any such fool system as this." Big Bill opened his mouth to answer and said nothing. He had caught a look flashed at him by Holway, a look that warned him he was talking too much. After Holt had packed one of the animals he turned to Elliot.

Mr. Holway, himself, answered. He seemed confused and his explanation was hurriedly given. "Your father and I met one afternoon at at the Palatine," he stammered. "I I should have known. Tacks told me, but but I had forgotten. I'm ashamed of my part in that, Mr. Dott. I really am. I owe you an apology. I hope you I hope " Captain Dan nodded. "All right," he said briefly.

'A unanimous vote was perhaps too much to expect. Go on. "'Yes, says Jotham. 'Well, here's the way it stands. I'll read it to you. "He fixes his specs and reads like this: "'Number of votes cast, 32. "'Honorable Atkinson Holway has 4. "'WHAT? gasps Stingy Gabe, fallin' into his chair. "'Yes, sir, says Jotham. 'It's a shame, I know, but it looks as nobody voted for you, Mr.

"So the fuss seemed settled, thanks to the last person on earth you'd expect would be peacemaker. But that afternoon I met Darius Tompkins, Bassett's right-hand man. "'Bailey, says he, 'you're a Conservative, ain't you? You're for Dan through thick and thin? "'Why! says I, 'I understand Dan and Gaius are both out of it now, and it's settled on Holway. Dan's promised to vote for him.

It took him less time than it takes to tell to wrest the gun from the cook. He got to his feet just as Big Bill, his eyes and brain still fogged with sleep, sat up and began to take notice of the disturbance. "Don't move," warned Holt sharply. "Better throw your hands up. You reach for the stars, too, Holway. No monkey business, do you hear? I'd as lief blow a hole through you as not."