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This young horseman was Don Juan the ranchero. He rode straight up to the opening, and seeing the guera cried out in a frank friendly voice, "Buenos dias, Rosita!" The reply was as frank and friendly a simple return of the salutation "Buenos dias, Don Juan!" "How is the Senora your mother to-day?" "Muchas gracias, Don Juan! as usual she is. Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!" "Hola!" exclaimed Don Juan.

"Gracias, senor," she replied, mockingly. "Adios." Then she flashed out of his sight. Gale went to his room at once, disturbed and thrilling, and did not soon recover from that encounter. The following morning at the breakfast table Nell was not present. Mrs. Belding evidently considered the fact somewhat unusual, for she called out into the patio and then into the yard.

"Yes," she answers. "It's my opinion you won't find the gallery open so late as this; but, of course, you can try." "Oh, I hope it won't be shut. Good-bye." "Good-bye." The small servant nodding on the veranda takes us past the palm-shaded patio, and through the dark vestibule. "Gracias!" I say to the dusky little servitor as the huge door opens. "Si! Si!

Not long thereafter I met my friend Reyes, who was followed by a retinue of peons. "Gracias a Dios. Amigo!" he exclaimed, on seeing me. "I came after your body, if it were to be found, and here you are alive. When I heard the report of firearms and knowing that those devils had your weapon, I feared the worst. How on earth did you manage to escape them?

"Wagalexa Conka, here is plenty hot coffee," came a soft voice at his elbow, and Luck turned with a smile to take the steaming cup from the hand of Annie-Many-Ponies. The Native Son poured a cup and offered it to Tomas Chavez. "Quire cafe?" he asked. "Si, señor; Gracias." Tomas smiled, and took the cup and bowed.

Then all fell into line, with the laughter and nonsense natural to a company of care free "youngsters" as they were now known all over the premises. But as they passed a room just beyond Leslie's own, he poked his head through the window, to demand of Mateo, lying within: "Any better, boy?" "Gracias, Señor Leslie. Much better. Only, the hen of Wun Sing; the omelette Ah! I suffer, si.

Hoy, gracias a Dios, ha desaparecido ya aquella comezón de ridículo que acometía a muchos al observar lo que consideraban necia presunción de las mujeres de saber tanto como los hombres, y esto se debe, indudablemente, a que los desastrosos resultados que pronosticaron los agoreros de las malas nuevas, las terribles profetas de la destrucción, no se han cumplido.

An Indian, or half breed at the best, ragged as to black stringy hair, hard visaged, stony eyed. Kendric called to him and the rider turned in his saddle and waited. And for answer to the question: "Where's the Old Man? Bruce West?" the answer was a hand lifted lazily to point up valley and silence. "Gracias, amigo," laughed Kendric and rode on.

She smiled at him tauntingly and lowered her lids. Señor Rodriguez appeared from the other room with the handkerchief. "Mil gracias, Señor," she thanked him. "No hay de que, Señorita," he returned, as he opened the door for her. "Monsieur Grimm, au revoir!" She dropped a little curtsey, and still smiling, went out.

Also, if they should be provided with fresh fruit oranges, dates, or figs and you are not, their offer to share is by no means made with the hope or expectation that you will say Muchas gracias, the equivalent of "No, thank you."