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"Wal, if the gineral an' company was sthopped somewhere beyond thot pass?" queried Casey, shrewdly, as he took a deep pull at his pipe. "Then at least they could fight. They have stood off attacks before. They might hold out for the train following, or even run back." "Thin, Collins, we've only got to sthop the gineral's train before it reaches thot dom' trap." "But we can't!" cried Collins.

Them little b'ys don't get the chance to see much otherwheres, and they'll have to be larnin' their manners to home, so they will. Pat and Moike with the good manners about eatin' they've larned at the Gineral's, and the little b'ys without a manner to their back! Sure and 'twill be a lesson to 'em to see the table when you've larned to set it roight." Jim brightened at once.

Anyhow, it was a house divided agin itself at the Gineral's, when he was a fixin' out for the voyage. There was Ruth a goin' fust to one, and then to t'other, and tryin' all she could to keep peace beteen 'em; and there was this 'ere Master Slick Tongue talkin' this way to one side, and that way to t'other, and the old Gineral kind o' like a shuttle-cock atween 'em.

"Wal, you see that will give Ruth the whole of the Gineral's property in America, tho' it did leave the English estate to Jeff. "Wal, the end on't was like a story-book. "Jeff he made believe be mighty glad. And he said it must a ben that the Gineral hed got flustered with the sperit and water, and put that 'ere will in among his letters that he was a doin' up to take back to England.

Gineral Patterson an Irishman! no, sir; or there would have been bluidy noses at Bunker's Hill or Winchester, and that would have saved some at Bull Run." "On with your story, Terence," said the crowd. "Beggin' your pardon, there's no story about it, the blissid truth, ivery word of it. "Will, you see, while our ould Colonel, under the Gineral's orders, had me guarding a pratie patch "

But O'Neil, the night operator, was dead. Murdered by Indians while we slept." "Thot's hell!" replied Casey, seriously, as he lit his pipe. "The message went through to Medicine Bow. Stacey down there sent it back to me. I tried to get Hills at Roaring City. No go! The wire's cut!" "An' shure the gineral's train has left wot's that new camp Roarin' wot?"

At last the Gineral's ebenezer began to rise, and he got as mad as a hatter, and was intarmed to take a rise out of him. "'So, says he, 'stranger, says he, 'you talk about your Indgian corn, as if nobody else raised any but yourself. Now I'll bet you a thousand dollars, I have corn that's growd so wonderful, you can't reach the top of it a standin' on your horse.

An' de Gineral's got his headquarters almos' next door to our house." "That near? Oh, you don't say so!" "Yes, I do. An', oh, golly, ain't I so glad! I jis' stole yere to told you all 'bout it. Yesterday mornin' I war splittin' some wood to git my breakfas', an' I met one ob dem Yankee sogers.

Not understanding their orders, or carried away by the excitement of the moment, they engaged the enemy with the unfortunate results to which you allude. "Av it would have been proper for a corporal, I would have asked the Gineral what Johnny Reb would do while we were taching him all that. Thim's the Gineral's exact words, for I paid particular attention.

"Wal, Lawyer Dean said he was sure that Jeff made himself quite busy and useful that night, a tyin' up the papers with red tape, and a packin' the Gineral's trunk; and that, when Jeff gin him his bundle to lock up in his box, he never mistrusted but what he'd got it all right. "Wal, you see it was jest one of them things that can't be known to the jedgment-day.