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"'The dog cops sure as hell! I hollers. "After the act De Mott rushes over tearin' at his collar like it's chokin' him. "'Don't you even know the difference between a horse and a dog? he yells at me. "'If you sees this hound cough it up in the stretch often as I have, you calls him a dog yourself, I says. "I don't furget again after that, 'n' things go along smooth as silk from then on.

"Don't call me yours," said Charlotte. "I never did anything for you." "Ay, but you tried," said the wife. "Dan and me don't furget as we heerd you cryin' fit to break yer heart outside the study door, and him within, wid a heart as hard as a nether mill-stone, would do nought. No, you did yer werry best; Dan and me, we don't furget." "No, I don't furget," said the man.

I gev my word to get it to yuh, fust thing; an' fur my own sake, I tried to do it unbeknownst. But now I must do it anyhow I ken. So take it, an' my compliments, an' I trust yuh to keep mum an' ask no questions, an' furget 'twas me brung it. And I'll keep a shet mouth about these here goings on. Only read it now, fur God's sake." He had handed me a sealed letter.

You're goin' to cheat me outen my shar' of them fifty dollars, ain't you now?" "You will have no share in the money. It will all belong to me, and I shall give it to mother." "Then, Dave, not a quail do you ketch in these yere fields so long as you hold to them idees. Don't you furget it, nuther." "What do you mean?" asked David, in alarm. "What are you going to do?"

Two or three days later he heard accidentally that you fellows was camping some place along the creek I furget the name of it now and knowin' from this that you weren't in any hurry he got into his head to go after you. "I tried to talk him out of it, but it weren't any use, so then I let on I was agreed to it, meanin' all the time to stand by you fellows.

"Then again, son, in this world of human failin's there ain't anything ever can be as pure and blameless and satisfyin' as the stuff in a bake-shop window looks like it is. Don't ever furget that. It's jest too good to be true.

"How'm I goin' to git my boat back?" whined Long Bill, as the Texan coiled his rope. "Swim acrost. Or, maybe you'd better go 'round it's some little further that way, but it's safer if you can't swim. I'll leave your guns in the boat. So long, an' be sure to remember not to furget sometime an' pay me back that twenty." The ride to Timber City was made almost in silence.

"'Furget it! he says. 'Put her on the street-car. The car runs right into Minnehaha Park 'n' you can unload her in front of the stalls. "'You can't take a trunk on a street-car, I says. "'Wait till you see this street-car, says Butsy. "'Ain't they but one? says Peewee. "'That's all, says Butsy. 'Orphy Shanner runs it.

"Listenin' to the knockers?" he asked, reading me at once. "Furget it them ole mint juleps is dead 'n' buried. You'll go dippy if you fall fur that stuff." "But the weight!" I gasped. "Say, they've got you goin' right, ain't they?" Blister exclaimed. "Now listen! She can carry the grand-stand 'n' come home on the bit! Get that fixed in your nut, 'n' then hit the hay."

Brown, her tone and manner showing that the question did not admit of argument. "He'll be teched fast enough when the time comes, Marcy Gray will, an' don't you furget to remember what I'm tellin' you. But them as goes for Marcy will be folks that can't be pestered by the men who toted Hanson off to the swamp." "Ah! Now I see daylight," said Tom, with something that sounded like a sigh of relief.